“Spiral Staircase” goes viral on the Internet
Recently, the “Spiral Staircase” near Tanzikou in Jiulongpo went viral on the Internet for its unique shape.

“Spiral Staircase” goes viral on the Internet


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Recently, the “Spiral Staircase” near Tanzikou in Jiulongpo went viral on the Internet for its unique shape. The reporter poked around on the ground and found that it was a viewing platform, and many netizens have jokingly called it “baked gluten”. It is learned that this is the Fine Arts Project on Huangzheng Street in Jiulong Peninsula, which is about 1,500 meters long and covers an area of 108 mu. The project consists of five sections: the Yangtze River Lighthouse, the Cliff Top Colorful Path, the Art Pier, the Pleated Belt Floating Corridor and the Art Cliff Wall, each with a different theme symbolizing the “lighthouse, cliff, pier, river bank and riverfront” on the Yangtze River waterfront. The spiral staircase is the Yangtze River Lighthouse, which is still under construction. (Translated by Wang Huixin, Fathom Language Limited)

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“Spiral Staircase” goes viral on the Internet

2021-07-13 14:48:20 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Recently, the “Spiral Staircase” near Tanzikou in Jiulongpo went viral on the Internet for its unique shape. The reporter poked around on the ground and found that it was a viewing platform, and many netizens have jokingly called it “baked gluten”. It is learned that this is the Fine Arts Project on Huangzheng Street in Jiulong Peninsula, which is about 1,500 meters long and covers an area of 108 mu. The project consists of five sections: the Yangtze River Lighthouse, the Cliff Top Colorful Path, the Art Pier, the Pleated Belt Floating Corridor and the Art Cliff Wall, each with a different theme symbolizing the “lighthouse, cliff, pier, river bank and riverfront” on the Yangtze River waterfront. The spiral staircase is the Yangtze River Lighthouse, which is still under construction. (Translated by Wang Huixin, Fathom Language Limited)

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]