“Surfing” and “diving” at Chongqing Science and Technology Museum
Recently, the “Unseen Ocean” exhibition was launched at the Chongqing Science and Technology Museum.

“Surfing” and “diving” at Chongqing Science and Technology Museum


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- The ocean is vast and mysterious, and from ancient times to the present day, man has never stopped exploring it. Recently, the “Unseen Ocean” exhibition was launched at the Chongqing Science and Technology Museum. The exhibition features eight sections that will take you on a journey to discover more about the mysteries of the ocean. The exhibition will run up to November 14, 2021 and is free to visit for interested members of the public.

The entire exhibition unfolds as a story line of the changing depths of the ocean, from shallow to deep, from the surface to the shallow sea and then diving into the deep to explore. Each of the eight sections is divided according to different depths of the ocean to explore the biology, environment, science and technology of ocean exploration and the stories of the scientists behind it.

At the entrance of the exhibition hall, visitors are first introduced to a virtual beach created by light and shadow, with layers of projected waves hitting the “beach” in a fantastic and realistic way. The children rolled and played in the “'waves” as if they were really “surfing”.

In the Fantasy Drifter section, visitors can try to spot organisms in a drop of seawater through an interactive microscope, try to match the adults of various marine species with their “baby” forms in a game, and learn about scientists using “sonar” technology to observe marine life and food chains.

In the Mystery Creatures section, fluorescent creatures can be seen and visitors can also experience a shark’s view of what fluorescent creatures look like in different light.

In the Meet the Giant Creatures section, there is a 180° ring screen where visitors can observe 1:1 sized blue whales, giant squid, manta rays and other sea creatures and observe how they drag their huge bodies around to go about their daily lives.

In the Invisible Borders section, visitors can enter the Deep Sea Theatre and experience a gradual descent from the surface of the ocean to the “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea” adventure. Visitors can dive into the Triton submersible for the coolest photo with the ocean this summer, explore the deep sea in a submersible, explore the topography of the ocean floor, see topographical features such as the Marianas Trench, learn about the causes of global ocean current movements and understand the significance of marine environmental protection. 

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“Surfing” and “diving” at Chongqing Science and Technology Museum

2021-07-15 14:27:00 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- The ocean is vast and mysterious, and from ancient times to the present day, man has never stopped exploring it. Recently, the “Unseen Ocean” exhibition was launched at the Chongqing Science and Technology Museum. The exhibition features eight sections that will take you on a journey to discover more about the mysteries of the ocean. The exhibition will run up to November 14, 2021 and is free to visit for interested members of the public.

The entire exhibition unfolds as a story line of the changing depths of the ocean, from shallow to deep, from the surface to the shallow sea and then diving into the deep to explore. Each of the eight sections is divided according to different depths of the ocean to explore the biology, environment, science and technology of ocean exploration and the stories of the scientists behind it.

At the entrance of the exhibition hall, visitors are first introduced to a virtual beach created by light and shadow, with layers of projected waves hitting the “beach” in a fantastic and realistic way. The children rolled and played in the “'waves” as if they were really “surfing”.

In the Fantasy Drifter section, visitors can try to spot organisms in a drop of seawater through an interactive microscope, try to match the adults of various marine species with their “baby” forms in a game, and learn about scientists using “sonar” technology to observe marine life and food chains.

In the Mystery Creatures section, fluorescent creatures can be seen and visitors can also experience a shark’s view of what fluorescent creatures look like in different light.

In the Meet the Giant Creatures section, there is a 180° ring screen where visitors can observe 1:1 sized blue whales, giant squid, manta rays and other sea creatures and observe how they drag their huge bodies around to go about their daily lives.

In the Invisible Borders section, visitors can enter the Deep Sea Theatre and experience a gradual descent from the surface of the ocean to the “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea” adventure. Visitors can dive into the Triton submersible for the coolest photo with the ocean this summer, explore the deep sea in a submersible, explore the topography of the ocean floor, see topographical features such as the Marianas Trench, learn about the causes of global ocean current movements and understand the significance of marine environmental protection. 

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]