The police rescue an owl hatchling in Chongqing
If you find a trapped or injured wild animal, please report it to the police immediately.

The police rescue an owl hatchling in Chongqing


The police feeding the hatchling (Picture provided by the police)

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Recently, Luo Yonghong, a police officer on duty at Shengdengshan Police Station of Banan Branch, received a call from the public saying, “hello, I picked up a young bird by the roadside, soaked to the skin and dying. Please come over and take a look.”

The police officer went to the scene and saw a young owl, lying dying on the ground with its wings feebly stretched out, suspected to be injured. He immediately reported the situation to the local forestry department and then took the bird back to the police station for care first.

The police officer dried the young bird and put it into a temporary nest to rest, while bringing water and meat to feed it. Within a short time, the young owl was gradually rejuvenated. A comrade from the Forestry Bureau rushed to the police station and said that the young bird was an owl, a Grade II national protected animal, which was then brought back for a physical examination and released back into the wild after it had completely recovered.

Police reminder: If you find a trapped or injured wild animal, please report it to the police immediately. The sale and consumption of wild animals and other illegal acts are strictly prohibited. 

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The police rescue an owl hatchling in Chongqing

2021-07-22 11:09:22 来源: 0 条评论

The police feeding the hatchling (Picture provided by the police)

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Recently, Luo Yonghong, a police officer on duty at Shengdengshan Police Station of Banan Branch, received a call from the public saying, “hello, I picked up a young bird by the roadside, soaked to the skin and dying. Please come over and take a look.”

The police officer went to the scene and saw a young owl, lying dying on the ground with its wings feebly stretched out, suspected to be injured. He immediately reported the situation to the local forestry department and then took the bird back to the police station for care first.

The police officer dried the young bird and put it into a temporary nest to rest, while bringing water and meat to feed it. Within a short time, the young owl was gradually rejuvenated. A comrade from the Forestry Bureau rushed to the police station and said that the young bird was an owl, a Grade II national protected animal, which was then brought back for a physical examination and released back into the wild after it had completely recovered.

Police reminder: If you find a trapped or injured wild animal, please report it to the police immediately. The sale and consumption of wild animals and other illegal acts are strictly prohibited. 

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]