Chongqing scenic spots launch special ice cream bars
The launch of special ice cream bars have attracted many tourists.

Chongqing scenic spots launch special ice cream bars


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- You may have seen a monorail train pass through the building at CRT Liziba Station, but have you ever eaten an ice cream bar like this? Recently, cultural and creative ice cream bars have been launched across the country, and Chongqing is no exception. The launch of cultural and creative ice cream bars at six popular attractions, such as Liziba, Yangtze River Cableway and Hongyadong, have attracted many citizens and tourists to visit and take photos, saying, “The ice cream bar is both delicious and good-looking!”

By visiting various scenic spots, the reporter found that ice cream bars in each scenic spot have unique characteristics of the spot, with different shapes and flavors. The cultural and creative ice cream bar for Liziba is in the shape of a monorail train, with the front, body and doors clearly visible, and comes in five flavors: strawberry, vanilla, matcha, mojito and chocolate; and cultural and creative ice-cream for Yangtze River Cableway is highly recreated in the shape of a cable car, with three-dimensional realism and two flavors: vanilla and cantaloupe. “The ice cream bar is appealing and most consumers come for its appearance,” the shopkeeper at the Yangtze River Cableway Cultural and Creative Ice Cream Shop said.

By visiting, the reporter learned that the price of cultural and creative ice cream bars in these scenic spots in Chongqing is up to 18 yuan/pc and down to 10 yuan/pc, which is slightly higher compared to the price of ordinary ice cream bars. According to the shopkeeper at Ciqikou Cultural and Creative Ice Cream Shop, the creative and local design of the ice cream bar has helped it to become a distinctive cultural tourism product, and as such has become economically viable.

In fact, apart from solving people’s immediate need for relief from summer heat, the cultural and creative ice cream bar also gives visitors a sense of “being here”. “I plan to get an ice cream bar when I get on the cableway and take a picture of the ice cream bar with the cableway.” Mr. Fang, who came from Beijing to visit Chongqing, said while eating ice-cream that such a ritualistic visit would make his trip more meaningful.

It is learned that since its launch 10 days ago on July 11 this year, the ice cream bar in the shape of Yangtze River Cableway has been a popular choice among the public. The shopkeeper at Yangtze River Cableway Cultural and Creative Ice Cream Shop told the reporter that every morning at 9:00 am, as soon as the shop opens, there is an influx of customers, mostly girls and children. The shopkeeper at Liziba Cultural and Creative Ice Cream Shop also said that the ice cream bar is a big seller and usually sells out by 11:00 am. The shopkeeper at Ciqikou Cultural and Creative Ice Cream Shop revealed that at the best time, more than 600 ice cream bars were sold in a day. 

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Chongqing scenic spots launch special ice cream bars

2021-07-23 14:38:45 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- You may have seen a monorail train pass through the building at CRT Liziba Station, but have you ever eaten an ice cream bar like this? Recently, cultural and creative ice cream bars have been launched across the country, and Chongqing is no exception. The launch of cultural and creative ice cream bars at six popular attractions, such as Liziba, Yangtze River Cableway and Hongyadong, have attracted many citizens and tourists to visit and take photos, saying, “The ice cream bar is both delicious and good-looking!”

By visiting various scenic spots, the reporter found that ice cream bars in each scenic spot have unique characteristics of the spot, with different shapes and flavors. The cultural and creative ice cream bar for Liziba is in the shape of a monorail train, with the front, body and doors clearly visible, and comes in five flavors: strawberry, vanilla, matcha, mojito and chocolate; and cultural and creative ice-cream for Yangtze River Cableway is highly recreated in the shape of a cable car, with three-dimensional realism and two flavors: vanilla and cantaloupe. “The ice cream bar is appealing and most consumers come for its appearance,” the shopkeeper at the Yangtze River Cableway Cultural and Creative Ice Cream Shop said.

By visiting, the reporter learned that the price of cultural and creative ice cream bars in these scenic spots in Chongqing is up to 18 yuan/pc and down to 10 yuan/pc, which is slightly higher compared to the price of ordinary ice cream bars. According to the shopkeeper at Ciqikou Cultural and Creative Ice Cream Shop, the creative and local design of the ice cream bar has helped it to become a distinctive cultural tourism product, and as such has become economically viable.

In fact, apart from solving people’s immediate need for relief from summer heat, the cultural and creative ice cream bar also gives visitors a sense of “being here”. “I plan to get an ice cream bar when I get on the cableway and take a picture of the ice cream bar with the cableway.” Mr. Fang, who came from Beijing to visit Chongqing, said while eating ice-cream that such a ritualistic visit would make his trip more meaningful.

It is learned that since its launch 10 days ago on July 11 this year, the ice cream bar in the shape of Yangtze River Cableway has been a popular choice among the public. The shopkeeper at Yangtze River Cableway Cultural and Creative Ice Cream Shop told the reporter that every morning at 9:00 am, as soon as the shop opens, there is an influx of customers, mostly girls and children. The shopkeeper at Liziba Cultural and Creative Ice Cream Shop also said that the ice cream bar is a big seller and usually sells out by 11:00 am. The shopkeeper at Ciqikou Cultural and Creative Ice Cream Shop revealed that at the best time, more than 600 ice cream bars were sold in a day. 

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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