People form “Olympic Rings” in water to cheer for Team China
People formed “Olympic Rings” in the water at Mexin Water Park to cheer for Team China.

People form “Olympic Rings” in water to cheer for Team China


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- The 32nd Summer Olympic Games is being held in Tokyo, where Chinese athletes are competing on the field. On July 24, hundreds of people formed “Olympic Rings” in the water at Mexin Water Park in Fuling Wine Town to cheer for Team China.

“I think this is a simple matter though. It just requires us to form the appropriate five ring shapes and express ourselves freely, but it’s actually quite meaningful. The love for the country and for life is expressed all at once,” Ms. Liu, a participant, said.

Other visitors said that although they could not be Tokyo to watch the games, they were always watching the Olympic Games and hoped to send their best wishes to the Chinese athletes in this way.

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People form “Olympic Rings” in water to cheer for Team China

2021-07-28 09:28:27 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- The 32nd Summer Olympic Games is being held in Tokyo, where Chinese athletes are competing on the field. On July 24, hundreds of people formed “Olympic Rings” in the water at Mexin Water Park in Fuling Wine Town to cheer for Team China.

“I think this is a simple matter though. It just requires us to form the appropriate five ring shapes and express ourselves freely, but it’s actually quite meaningful. The love for the country and for life is expressed all at once,” Ms. Liu, a participant, said.

Other visitors said that although they could not be Tokyo to watch the games, they were always watching the Olympic Games and hoped to send their best wishes to the Chinese athletes in this way.

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]