Shibati lit up by over 2,000 kinds of lights
As you can see, the stilted buildings are staggered and the streets and courtyards are adjacent to each other

Shibati lit up by over 2,000 kinds of lights


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- In Shibati Traditional Landscape Area, the stilted buildings are staggered and the streets and courtyards are adjacent to each other, full of Bayu characteristics and memories of old Chongqing. The lighting ceremony marked the basic completion of the construction of the Intelligent Night-time Floodlighting System for Shibati Traditional Landscape Area Phase 1 (Areas A, B and C).

Based on the life of Shibati, the Intelligent Night-time Floodlighting System for Shibati is designed to continue the cultural lineage of the Mountain City and to shape the memories of the “Mother City”, recreating the life of the old Chongqing and the memories of the “Mother City” with lighting variations.

According to introduction, the visual focus of the night view in Shibati Traditional Landscape Area lies mainly on the tops of buildings, building eaves and staircases. There are more than 2,000 combinations and variations of lighting in the Intelligent Night-time Floodlighting System, and Shibati will subsequently be combined with projects to create different show sites that will help the development of the night-time economy.

The project is divided into five areas: A, B, C, D and E. Areas A, B and C, scheduled to open to the public at the end of September this year, are mainly for “Traditional Culture Experience (A and B)” and “Cultural and Creative Experience of Domestic Fashion (C)”, and are the core areas of Shibati Traditional Landscape Area.

After the lighting ceremony, Shibati Traditional Landscape Area will be lit up for a ten-day night-time commissioning period from 20:00 to 21:00 every night. 

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Shibati lit up by over 2,000 kinds of lights

2021-07-30 14:54:12 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- In Shibati Traditional Landscape Area, the stilted buildings are staggered and the streets and courtyards are adjacent to each other, full of Bayu characteristics and memories of old Chongqing. The lighting ceremony marked the basic completion of the construction of the Intelligent Night-time Floodlighting System for Shibati Traditional Landscape Area Phase 1 (Areas A, B and C).

Based on the life of Shibati, the Intelligent Night-time Floodlighting System for Shibati is designed to continue the cultural lineage of the Mountain City and to shape the memories of the “Mother City”, recreating the life of the old Chongqing and the memories of the “Mother City” with lighting variations.

According to introduction, the visual focus of the night view in Shibati Traditional Landscape Area lies mainly on the tops of buildings, building eaves and staircases. There are more than 2,000 combinations and variations of lighting in the Intelligent Night-time Floodlighting System, and Shibati will subsequently be combined with projects to create different show sites that will help the development of the night-time economy.

The project is divided into five areas: A, B, C, D and E. Areas A, B and C, scheduled to open to the public at the end of September this year, are mainly for “Traditional Culture Experience (A and B)” and “Cultural and Creative Experience of Domestic Fashion (C)”, and are the core areas of Shibati Traditional Landscape Area.

After the lighting ceremony, Shibati Traditional Landscape Area will be lit up for a ten-day night-time commissioning period from 20:00 to 21:00 every night. 

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]