How animals in Chongqing Zoo cool off for the summer
How do the animals in the zoo cool off in the summer heat? Let’s follow the lens to have a look.

How animals in Chongqing Zoo cool off for the summer


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- How do the animals in the zoo cool off in the summer heat? Let’s follow the lens to see how pandas, elephants and sloths in Chongqing Zoo cool off for the summer.

Early in the morning, in the panda house of the Zoo, giant pandas “Yubao”, “Yubei”, “Liangyue” and so on are in the outdoor pool to bathe for cooling. In order to give the national treasure “cooling”, Chongqing Zoo not only let them live in air-raid shelter that is warm in winter and cool in summer, there is an indoor air conditioning open.

The pandas live comfortably and eat with ease. In order to cool off the pandas, the Zoo made a large “ice cream” with fruits and vegetables, and the pandas were all tasting it with great pleasure.

And for the elephant house aside, the elephants are gulping down sweet watermelon and sucking up a noseful of water to cool themselves off when they get hot.

In the second half of last year, Chongqing Zoo introduced sloths for the first time. This is their first time to spend the summer in Chongqing, but there is no discomfort. Chongqing Zoo turned on the indoor air conditioning for the sloths to cool down, and also prepared a variety of food for cooling. According to the head of the animal management section, Tang Jiagui, reasonable feed with the animals is also a major “trick” to prevent the heat, the Zoo has completed the procurement of vegetables, fruits, green feed in a timely manner to ensure the timely supply of animal feed, while reasonably adjusting the feed structure according to the seasonal climate, adding watermelon, cucumber, green beans and other functions that quench the thirst.

“In addition to physical cooling, the Zoo will also carry out drug assistance.” Tang Jiagui said that the Zoo would put “10 drops", Huoxiangzhengqi oral liquid, isatis root granules and other anti-stroke drugs to animal feed or drinking water to prevent the animals from heat stroke.

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How animals in Chongqing Zoo cool off for the summer

2021-08-06 15:39:50 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- How do the animals in the zoo cool off in the summer heat? Let’s follow the lens to see how pandas, elephants and sloths in Chongqing Zoo cool off for the summer.

Early in the morning, in the panda house of the Zoo, giant pandas “Yubao”, “Yubei”, “Liangyue” and so on are in the outdoor pool to bathe for cooling. In order to give the national treasure “cooling”, Chongqing Zoo not only let them live in air-raid shelter that is warm in winter and cool in summer, there is an indoor air conditioning open.

The pandas live comfortably and eat with ease. In order to cool off the pandas, the Zoo made a large “ice cream” with fruits and vegetables, and the pandas were all tasting it with great pleasure.

And for the elephant house aside, the elephants are gulping down sweet watermelon and sucking up a noseful of water to cool themselves off when they get hot.

In the second half of last year, Chongqing Zoo introduced sloths for the first time. This is their first time to spend the summer in Chongqing, but there is no discomfort. Chongqing Zoo turned on the indoor air conditioning for the sloths to cool down, and also prepared a variety of food for cooling. According to the head of the animal management section, Tang Jiagui, reasonable feed with the animals is also a major “trick” to prevent the heat, the Zoo has completed the procurement of vegetables, fruits, green feed in a timely manner to ensure the timely supply of animal feed, while reasonably adjusting the feed structure according to the seasonal climate, adding watermelon, cucumber, green beans and other functions that quench the thirst.

“In addition to physical cooling, the Zoo will also carry out drug assistance.” Tang Jiagui said that the Zoo would put “10 drops", Huoxiangzhengqi oral liquid, isatis root granules and other anti-stroke drugs to animal feed or drinking water to prevent the animals from heat stroke.

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]