A farm hidden in the schoolyard
In Tongxin Primary School and Tongxin Qinghe Primary School, crops can be seen everywhere.

A farm hidden in the schoolyard


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Throughout the ages, the school has been a place for preaching, teaching, and solving puzzles, but at Tongxin Primary School and Tongxin Qinghe Primary School in Liangjiang New District, not only written knowledge is taught here, but also farmland and crops have been opened for sharing by teachers and students throughout the school. Food is hard to come by.

In Tongxin Primary School and Tongxin Qinghe Primary School, crops can be seen everywhere in the schools as an ornament. The red sorghum, green rice, green and red peppers, yellow and red peanuts... These crops in the fields have become a landscape in the school.

“The school has planted various crops and planted them according to the seasons. Now the sorghum is growing and the corn has just been harvested,” said Qin Bo, Principal of Tongxin Primary School Education Group in Liangjiang New District, Chongqing. There are more than 300 kinds of wild or planted plants scattered all around. More than 20 mu farmlands are distributed upstairs and underground. The crops are kept on file throughout the year. When the crops are mature, teachers and students of the school help to harvest them and hand in the canteen, teachers and students will have a feast. 

At present, it is summer holiday. The school will send special personnel to take care of the crops every day. All the employees are good farmers. “When the school starts, we will let students learn the formation process of these crops in class, so that they can experience the growth brought by labor education, so that children can save and cherish happiness, and know that food is not easy to come by.” Qin Bo said the school will also open pavilions so that students can learn more extracurricular knowledge and truly achieve the purpose of teaching.

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A farm hidden in the schoolyard

2021-08-11 14:43:53 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Throughout the ages, the school has been a place for preaching, teaching, and solving puzzles, but at Tongxin Primary School and Tongxin Qinghe Primary School in Liangjiang New District, not only written knowledge is taught here, but also farmland and crops have been opened for sharing by teachers and students throughout the school. Food is hard to come by.

In Tongxin Primary School and Tongxin Qinghe Primary School, crops can be seen everywhere in the schools as an ornament. The red sorghum, green rice, green and red peppers, yellow and red peanuts... These crops in the fields have become a landscape in the school.

“The school has planted various crops and planted them according to the seasons. Now the sorghum is growing and the corn has just been harvested,” said Qin Bo, Principal of Tongxin Primary School Education Group in Liangjiang New District, Chongqing. There are more than 300 kinds of wild or planted plants scattered all around. More than 20 mu farmlands are distributed upstairs and underground. The crops are kept on file throughout the year. When the crops are mature, teachers and students of the school help to harvest them and hand in the canteen, teachers and students will have a feast. 

At present, it is summer holiday. The school will send special personnel to take care of the crops every day. All the employees are good farmers. “When the school starts, we will let students learn the formation process of these crops in class, so that they can experience the growth brought by labor education, so that children can save and cherish happiness, and know that food is not easy to come by.” Qin Bo said the school will also open pavilions so that students can learn more extracurricular knowledge and truly achieve the purpose of teaching.

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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