She created 106 exclusive protective clothing for colleagues who collected nucleic acids
Du Dan said that she chose cute characters and drew them as round and cute as possible.

She created 106 exclusive protective clothing for colleagues who collected nucleic acids


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- "Du Dan, have you drawn the protective suit that I will wear to the Financial Square tomorrow? Please remember to write 'DDK weather is sunny, and the nucleic acid test result is negative'!” Du Dan is a nurse in cardiovascular department of Chonggang General Hospital in Dadukou District. When her colleagues called her, she was drawing on her desk during her lunch break.

Since July 30, her colleagues and her have undertaken the nucleic acid collection work in the financial square community, an epidemic control area in Dadukou District. On July 31, the weather was extremely hot and the work intensity was high. Witnessing that it was very hard for everyone to collect nucleic acids in the community, Du picked up a marker and drew cartoon characters on the protective clothing of two colleagues, and wrote down the blessings and the names of them. When they changed shifts that day, her colleagues all joked that her simple graffiti had the huge effects of preventing them from heatstroke, making them calm down and relieve their stress under the scorching sun. Residents in the community were not so nervous seeing the cartoon characters on the protective clothing.

Du Dan claimed that she had not studied painting specifically, but she liked to paint Doraemon when she was a student. Since this simple graffiti can make her colleagues and residents feel good, she decided to let every colleague wear the protective clothing with painting on it. As for the selection and drawing of cartoon characters, Du Dan said that she chose cute characters and drew them as round and cute as possible.

So far, she has created a total of 106 sets of protective suits with her simple graffiti. On August 11th, colleagues wearing protective clothing drawn by her went to the Financial Square community for the last nucleic acid collection in the epidemic control area in 14 days.

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She created 106 exclusive protective clothing for colleagues who collected nucleic acids

2021-08-13 15:13:28 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- "Du Dan, have you drawn the protective suit that I will wear to the Financial Square tomorrow? Please remember to write 'DDK weather is sunny, and the nucleic acid test result is negative'!” Du Dan is a nurse in cardiovascular department of Chonggang General Hospital in Dadukou District. When her colleagues called her, she was drawing on her desk during her lunch break.

Since July 30, her colleagues and her have undertaken the nucleic acid collection work in the financial square community, an epidemic control area in Dadukou District. On July 31, the weather was extremely hot and the work intensity was high. Witnessing that it was very hard for everyone to collect nucleic acids in the community, Du picked up a marker and drew cartoon characters on the protective clothing of two colleagues, and wrote down the blessings and the names of them. When they changed shifts that day, her colleagues all joked that her simple graffiti had the huge effects of preventing them from heatstroke, making them calm down and relieve their stress under the scorching sun. Residents in the community were not so nervous seeing the cartoon characters on the protective clothing.

Du Dan claimed that she had not studied painting specifically, but she liked to paint Doraemon when she was a student. Since this simple graffiti can make her colleagues and residents feel good, she decided to let every colleague wear the protective clothing with painting on it. As for the selection and drawing of cartoon characters, Du Dan said that she chose cute characters and drew them as round and cute as possible.

So far, she has created a total of 106 sets of protective suits with her simple graffiti. On August 11th, colleagues wearing protective clothing drawn by her went to the Financial Square community for the last nucleic acid collection in the epidemic control area in 14 days.

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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