Take a picture of clear blue sky and soft clouds
Recently, the sun shines again after raining in Chongqing, with fish-scaled white clouds and a blue sky

Take a picture of clear blue sky and soft clouds


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Recently, the sun shines again after raining in Chongqing, with fish-scaled white clouds and a blue sky, which brought a refreshing state of mind.

Stand high up and look down on the Mountain City. The soothing sky is like water after the rain, and the white clouds are dotted in it, swaying with the breeze and changing in many ways.

For busy people, please stop once in a while, put down your computer, look up and relax your tense nerves. You will see the sky in the Mountain City is so beautiful.

The blue sky dotted with many white clouds is beautiful and fantastical in its monotony, with poetry hidden even in the hustle and bustle of the city. Why don't you take a casual summer wallpaper?

With the blue sky above, the greenery below, and the angles of the buildings polished by daylight, do you notice anything beautiful when you walk around?

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Take a picture of clear blue sky and soft clouds

2021-08-19 16:53:29 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Recently, the sun shines again after raining in Chongqing, with fish-scaled white clouds and a blue sky, which brought a refreshing state of mind.

Stand high up and look down on the Mountain City. The soothing sky is like water after the rain, and the white clouds are dotted in it, swaying with the breeze and changing in many ways.

For busy people, please stop once in a while, put down your computer, look up and relax your tense nerves. You will see the sky in the Mountain City is so beautiful.

The blue sky dotted with many white clouds is beautiful and fantastical in its monotony, with poetry hidden even in the hustle and bustle of the city. Why don't you take a casual summer wallpaper?

With the blue sky above, the greenery below, and the angles of the buildings polished by daylight, do you notice anything beautiful when you walk around?

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]