Foreign guests experience "a day of smart life"
At the 2021 Smart China Expo, "A Day of Smart Life" was unveiled.

Foreign guests experience "a day of smart life"


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- At the 2021 Smart China Expo, "A Day of Smart Life" was unveiled. The exhibition creates a "model room" for smart life, which organically integrates humanity and technology, ecology and wisdom, and allows people to more vividly experience the smart era and share a smart life. Recently, guests from Pakistan and Azerbaijan visited Lijia Wisdom Park to experience "A Day of Smart Life".

The reporter saw in the park that the application scenario of "A Day of Smart Life" is to convert a daily activity space logic one, and themes such as smart living, smart life, smart work, smart art and smart fun are created according to the standards of immersive and realistic standards, including 60 experience scenes and 130 experience projects, showing the leading role of intelligence in high-quality life.

Interacting with virtual anchors cordially, making Chongqing noodles according to intelligent voice, and having a "face-to-face" experience with Sichuan Opera through multimedia interactive technologies such as AR and VR... From work to life, and then to leisure and entertainment, the ambassadors in China personally experienced the smart life in each functional scenarios and praised one after another: "excellent!"

A guest from Pakistani named Junaid said that this was his first visit to Chongqing. This time he participated in the Smart China Expo and experienced "a day of smart life", which made him feel the charm of digital technology. "I think there are many advanced ideas worth learning. For example, how digital technology is used in the healthcare sector, how to use in educational fields, how to improve our lifestyles, and how to protect the environment, etc." Junaid admitted that one of the biggest gains of this visit to Chongqing is to understand the importance of promoting digital development, and he will promote more cooperation with China in the future.

In addition, Junaid told reporters that during his visit in Chongqing, he visited Chongqing's architecture, scenery, environment, and water quality. "Chongqing has inspired me, but I think it has inspired the world even more. The way Chongqing develops its digital economy, artificial intelligence, smart technology, and the way it is helping people to live smart lives, will inspire everyone," Junaid said.

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Foreign guests experience "a day of smart life"

2021-08-30 09:53:01 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- At the 2021 Smart China Expo, "A Day of Smart Life" was unveiled. The exhibition creates a "model room" for smart life, which organically integrates humanity and technology, ecology and wisdom, and allows people to more vividly experience the smart era and share a smart life. Recently, guests from Pakistan and Azerbaijan visited Lijia Wisdom Park to experience "A Day of Smart Life".

The reporter saw in the park that the application scenario of "A Day of Smart Life" is to convert a daily activity space logic one, and themes such as smart living, smart life, smart work, smart art and smart fun are created according to the standards of immersive and realistic standards, including 60 experience scenes and 130 experience projects, showing the leading role of intelligence in high-quality life.

Interacting with virtual anchors cordially, making Chongqing noodles according to intelligent voice, and having a "face-to-face" experience with Sichuan Opera through multimedia interactive technologies such as AR and VR... From work to life, and then to leisure and entertainment, the ambassadors in China personally experienced the smart life in each functional scenarios and praised one after another: "excellent!"

A guest from Pakistani named Junaid said that this was his first visit to Chongqing. This time he participated in the Smart China Expo and experienced "a day of smart life", which made him feel the charm of digital technology. "I think there are many advanced ideas worth learning. For example, how digital technology is used in the healthcare sector, how to use in educational fields, how to improve our lifestyles, and how to protect the environment, etc." Junaid admitted that one of the biggest gains of this visit to Chongqing is to understand the importance of promoting digital development, and he will promote more cooperation with China in the future.

In addition, Junaid told reporters that during his visit in Chongqing, he visited Chongqing's architecture, scenery, environment, and water quality. "Chongqing has inspired me, but I think it has inspired the world even more. The way Chongqing develops its digital economy, artificial intelligence, smart technology, and the way it is helping people to live smart lives, will inspire everyone," Junaid said.

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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