Great response of the public performance of Chongqing 1949
Recently, the large-scale red stage play Chongqing 1949 had its official public performance after its premiere.

Great response of the public performance of Chongqing 1949


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- The 360 degree rotating stage and seats of the audience, the raging waters of the Jialing River, the sound of gunshots ringing in the ears... Recently, the large-scale red stage play Chongqing 1949 had its official public performance after its premiere. The reporter went to the theatre and took you “back in time” to Chongqing in 1949.

The reporter saw that the whole live-action stage was very large, and the live-action shapes of the memorial archway and ships in the play were 1:1 restored to the scenes of Ciqikou Old Wharf at the time, making people feel as if they had travelled 72 years ago and witnessed the great feats of the revolutionary martyrs. It is worth mentioning that the audience seats and stage, made up of five 360-degree rotating circles, brought a stronger visual and emotional impact to the audience, leading to continuous applause during the performance.

“The moment when the faces of the revolutionary martyrs were lit up at the end of the stage was so impressive!” After the performance, Ms. Liu told the reporter that she had brought her seven-year-old son to see the play, hoping that he would learn more about history and the heroic city of Chongqing, remember the revolutionary martyrs and cultivate his patriotism and dedication from a young age.

“We had tickets for the train home today, but when I heard that the play was on, I canceled my train tickets and came over with my wife.” Mr. Yang, who is in his 70s, told the reporter that he was from Sichuan Province and had visited Chongqing with his wife, and had booked a train ticket home today, but now he has decided to withdraw in order to watch the play. “I am an old member of the Party with over 40 years of experience, and I respect the Party and history, so I had to come and watch this red historical play,” Mr. Yang said powerfully.

The play Chongqing 1949, which reportedly has been in preparation for three years, is a new creation based on what happened in the 58 days from October 1, 1949, when New China was founded, to November 27, when the martyrs died in Baigongguan and Zhazidong in Chongqing, presenting a new interpretation of “Hongyan Classics” from a broader dimension of time and space, as well as a collision between the red plays and the latest high technology on stage.

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Great response of the public performance of Chongqing 1949

2021-09-09 09:45:12 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- The 360 degree rotating stage and seats of the audience, the raging waters of the Jialing River, the sound of gunshots ringing in the ears... Recently, the large-scale red stage play Chongqing 1949 had its official public performance after its premiere. The reporter went to the theatre and took you “back in time” to Chongqing in 1949.

The reporter saw that the whole live-action stage was very large, and the live-action shapes of the memorial archway and ships in the play were 1:1 restored to the scenes of Ciqikou Old Wharf at the time, making people feel as if they had travelled 72 years ago and witnessed the great feats of the revolutionary martyrs. It is worth mentioning that the audience seats and stage, made up of five 360-degree rotating circles, brought a stronger visual and emotional impact to the audience, leading to continuous applause during the performance.

“The moment when the faces of the revolutionary martyrs were lit up at the end of the stage was so impressive!” After the performance, Ms. Liu told the reporter that she had brought her seven-year-old son to see the play, hoping that he would learn more about history and the heroic city of Chongqing, remember the revolutionary martyrs and cultivate his patriotism and dedication from a young age.

“We had tickets for the train home today, but when I heard that the play was on, I canceled my train tickets and came over with my wife.” Mr. Yang, who is in his 70s, told the reporter that he was from Sichuan Province and had visited Chongqing with his wife, and had booked a train ticket home today, but now he has decided to withdraw in order to watch the play. “I am an old member of the Party with over 40 years of experience, and I respect the Party and history, so I had to come and watch this red historical play,” Mr. Yang said powerfully.

The play Chongqing 1949, which reportedly has been in preparation for three years, is a new creation based on what happened in the 58 days from October 1, 1949, when New China was founded, to November 27, when the martyrs died in Baigongguan and Zhazidong in Chongqing, presenting a new interpretation of “Hongyan Classics” from a broader dimension of time and space, as well as a collision between the red plays and the latest high technology on stage.

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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