Chongqing “red wall” is popular
One side is the red wall like the Forbidden City, and the other side is a bridge across the river.

Chongqing “red wall” is popular


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- One side is the red wall like the Forbidden City, and the other side is a bridge across the river. There are red walls, green tiles and mottled shadows… Recently, the red wall became popular, attracting many tourists.

You are not wrong. This is Chongqing. From Exit 5 of Rail Transit Daping Station, it is not far by walking to the footpath located in Fotuguan Community, Yuzhong District. There is a deep lane with two walls of vermilion and bluestone, which is the popular Chongqing version of the “red walls of the Forbidden City”. 

The lane stretches forward for 100 meters. Approaching, you will find that red bricks and green tiles are matched with lush trees, and mottled shadows are printed on the red walls, making people feel as if they are in the Forbidden City. Taking photo for the same red wall and black tile of the Forbidden City has become the purpose of many people coming here. 

“My friend recommended it to me.” As soon as she got off work, Zeng Yuting and her friends came from Daxuecheng. “I came here because I saw the video and I thought it was great.” Mr. Chen also wanted to take a series of videos with the Chongqing version of the Forbidden City. 

According to Ms. Chen, a 63-year-old resident, a neighborhood close to residential areas, groups of people, mostly dressed in bright clothes, came to take photos and record videos after 09:00. 

Further on, you can see the single-sided red wall, while from the other side, you can see Jiahua Bridge across the Jialing River. Walking through the ancient red wall and the grand bridge across the river, you can enjoy a different style of the connection between the ancient and the modern. 

The footpath is an open area and is free to tourists around the clock. If watching video is not enough for you, you can choose a good day to shoot a group of photos.

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Chongqing “red wall” is popular

2021-09-16 15:11:30 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- One side is the red wall like the Forbidden City, and the other side is a bridge across the river. There are red walls, green tiles and mottled shadows… Recently, the red wall became popular, attracting many tourists.

You are not wrong. This is Chongqing. From Exit 5 of Rail Transit Daping Station, it is not far by walking to the footpath located in Fotuguan Community, Yuzhong District. There is a deep lane with two walls of vermilion and bluestone, which is the popular Chongqing version of the “red walls of the Forbidden City”. 

The lane stretches forward for 100 meters. Approaching, you will find that red bricks and green tiles are matched with lush trees, and mottled shadows are printed on the red walls, making people feel as if they are in the Forbidden City. Taking photo for the same red wall and black tile of the Forbidden City has become the purpose of many people coming here. 

“My friend recommended it to me.” As soon as she got off work, Zeng Yuting and her friends came from Daxuecheng. “I came here because I saw the video and I thought it was great.” Mr. Chen also wanted to take a series of videos with the Chongqing version of the Forbidden City. 

According to Ms. Chen, a 63-year-old resident, a neighborhood close to residential areas, groups of people, mostly dressed in bright clothes, came to take photos and record videos after 09:00. 

Further on, you can see the single-sided red wall, while from the other side, you can see Jiahua Bridge across the Jialing River. Walking through the ancient red wall and the grand bridge across the river, you can enjoy a different style of the connection between the ancient and the modern. 

The footpath is an open area and is free to tourists around the clock. If watching video is not enough for you, you can choose a good day to shoot a group of photos.

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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