The park transformed from a ditch is popular
Tiaodun River next to Huashanzhong Road had been transformed from a ditch into a small park.

The park transformed from a ditch is popular


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- White Dew arrives with cool autumn breeze. Recently, residents living in the community of Shuizhuyuan in Dazhulin Sub-district were surprised to find that Tiaodun River next to Huashanzhong Road had been transformed from a ditch into a small park with smooth flowing and clear water, green slopes and beautiful banks.

The water flowing in the river, the lush grass on the slope, the brilliant flowers beside the trail, especially the 3,000 square meters of pink grass on the slope at the entrance, is particularly stunning and has become a place for the citizens nearby to relax, take a walk, take photos.

The reporter saw at the scene that the area of the Park was small, but a large number of people came here to enjoy themselves. Tourists gathered together, either with cameras or mobile phones, and many of them took pictures and videos one after another with professional tripods. There are also many photographers at the scene, holding “long or short cannons” for shooting. Some girls also wear traditional Chinese clothes and hold oil umbrellas to shoot short videos.

It is learned that since the flowering of the pink diaphanous grass, the Park welcomes an average of nearly a thousand visitors every day, and some time ago there was an “Aunties Tourism Group” from other districts and counties, numbering close to a hundred visitors in total.

But in fact, Tiaodun River Park Shanshujian (mountains and rivers area) in a few years ago, is just a barren slope, with less river flow, poor water quality and weeds along the banks.

In October 2019, Liangjiang New Area launched the comprehensive water environment improvement project in the Tiaodun River basin, with a basin-wide pipe network improvement from the source reservoir to the river along the river, as well as endogenous pollution treatment, runoff pollution improvement, shore protection ecological transformation, greening and landscape enhancement along the shoreline and intelligent control engineering construction.

Among them, the Pink Mountain Road is the pink grass with an area of about 3,000 square meters, and the Liangjiang New Area has purposely built a curved walkway, which makes the public walk as if they are in a pink fairy tale world.

The waterfront cherry blossom path is a 300-meter-long walkway near the Tiaodun River, with nearly 100 cherry blossoms planted on the left and right sides, which bloom every spring.

For the convenience of people with small children, Liangjiang New Area has also created a small children’s amusement park at the south entrance, which has sand pits, children’s digging machines, trampolines, sound transmitters and other amusement facilities.

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The park transformed from a ditch is popular

2021-09-18 15:02:21 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- White Dew arrives with cool autumn breeze. Recently, residents living in the community of Shuizhuyuan in Dazhulin Sub-district were surprised to find that Tiaodun River next to Huashanzhong Road had been transformed from a ditch into a small park with smooth flowing and clear water, green slopes and beautiful banks.

The water flowing in the river, the lush grass on the slope, the brilliant flowers beside the trail, especially the 3,000 square meters of pink grass on the slope at the entrance, is particularly stunning and has become a place for the citizens nearby to relax, take a walk, take photos.

The reporter saw at the scene that the area of the Park was small, but a large number of people came here to enjoy themselves. Tourists gathered together, either with cameras or mobile phones, and many of them took pictures and videos one after another with professional tripods. There are also many photographers at the scene, holding “long or short cannons” for shooting. Some girls also wear traditional Chinese clothes and hold oil umbrellas to shoot short videos.

It is learned that since the flowering of the pink diaphanous grass, the Park welcomes an average of nearly a thousand visitors every day, and some time ago there was an “Aunties Tourism Group” from other districts and counties, numbering close to a hundred visitors in total.

But in fact, Tiaodun River Park Shanshujian (mountains and rivers area) in a few years ago, is just a barren slope, with less river flow, poor water quality and weeds along the banks.

In October 2019, Liangjiang New Area launched the comprehensive water environment improvement project in the Tiaodun River basin, with a basin-wide pipe network improvement from the source reservoir to the river along the river, as well as endogenous pollution treatment, runoff pollution improvement, shore protection ecological transformation, greening and landscape enhancement along the shoreline and intelligent control engineering construction.

Among them, the Pink Mountain Road is the pink grass with an area of about 3,000 square meters, and the Liangjiang New Area has purposely built a curved walkway, which makes the public walk as if they are in a pink fairy tale world.

The waterfront cherry blossom path is a 300-meter-long walkway near the Tiaodun River, with nearly 100 cherry blossoms planted on the left and right sides, which bloom every spring.

For the convenience of people with small children, Liangjiang New Area has also created a small children’s amusement park at the south entrance, which has sand pits, children’s digging machines, trampolines, sound transmitters and other amusement facilities.

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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