Here comes 100 days for giant panda twins at Chongqing Zoo
Recently, the giant panda “twins” began to show to the public.

Here comes 100 days for giant panda twins at Chongqing Zoo


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Recently, on the occasion of 100 days of the giant panda babies, Chongqing Zoo held a “naming campaign for the 100 days of giant panda twins”, the giant panda “twins” began to show to the public.

It is learned that on June 10 this year, the mother panda “Mangzai” gave birth to a pair of “twin brothers” safely in the company of the staff. This is the second time that “Mangzai” successfully gave birth to “twins”.

Chongqing Zoo giant panda technical director Yin Yanqiang said: in the wild environment, giant pandas usually give birth to “twins” while ignoring or rejecting the weaker one, and choose the stronger one to breed themselves; this is their reproductive strategy to ensure that at least one of them survive.

After the birth of the twin brothers, Chongqing Zoo adopted artificial assistance for the pandas to raise the cubs, one by the mother and one in the nursery by taking turns from time to time, so that the cubs can have breast milk and defecate normally. 

For those who like giant pandas, here’s your chance. From now on, the giant panda twins will officially meet with visitors in the nursery: 10:00-11:00 a.m. and 14:30-15:30 p.m. 

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Here comes 100 days for giant panda twins at Chongqing Zoo

2021-09-22 15:13:38 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Recently, on the occasion of 100 days of the giant panda babies, Chongqing Zoo held a “naming campaign for the 100 days of giant panda twins”, the giant panda “twins” began to show to the public.

It is learned that on June 10 this year, the mother panda “Mangzai” gave birth to a pair of “twin brothers” safely in the company of the staff. This is the second time that “Mangzai” successfully gave birth to “twins”.

Chongqing Zoo giant panda technical director Yin Yanqiang said: in the wild environment, giant pandas usually give birth to “twins” while ignoring or rejecting the weaker one, and choose the stronger one to breed themselves; this is their reproductive strategy to ensure that at least one of them survive.

After the birth of the twin brothers, Chongqing Zoo adopted artificial assistance for the pandas to raise the cubs, one by the mother and one in the nursery by taking turns from time to time, so that the cubs can have breast milk and defecate normally. 

For those who like giant pandas, here’s your chance. From now on, the giant panda twins will officially meet with visitors in the nursery: 10:00-11:00 a.m. and 14:30-15:30 p.m. 

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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