Huangjueping Graffiti Art Street updated
Chongqing Huangjueping Graffiti Art Street Improvement Project has been fully completed and is waiting for you.

Huangjueping Graffiti Art Street updated


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Graffiti Street gets a new look and new graffiti art gallery... The reporter learned that Chongqing Huangjueping Graffiti Art Street Improvement Project has been fully completed and is waiting for you.

It is introduced that Huangjueping Graffiti Art Street Improvement Project starts at Tielu Primary School and ends at Chongqing 501 Art Base and the gate of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, with a total length of about 1200 meters. The Project includes the renovation of 11 buildings along the Street, the remediation of about 23,000 square meters of walls, the implementation of about 6,500 square meters of ground painting, and the construction of a new graffiti art gallery.

A walk down the Street reveals that the buildings along the Street have been painted with a new look. It is learned that the newly painted facade brings together the works of renowned contemporary artists such as Luo Zhongli, Pang Maokun, Zhang Xiaogang and Yang Shu.

Next to the gate of the Huangjueping Campus of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, red wall tiles and irregular curved surfaces form a rolling “beehive” with large trees coming through the holes. This is the new graffiti art gallery.

“This art gallery has a total length of 46m and a total floor area of 360 square meters. The walls of the ‘beehive’ are only 9cm thick and there is no steel or metal material in it.” A staff member said that the unique shape of the art gallery presents different curved surfaces, which are subject to different forces and are not supported by steel bars, and in order to guarantee its stability, they first data-modelled the construction and then cut and built the formwork, using both inner and outer layers of terracotta bricks and highly ductile concrete masonry. It is the first time in the country that such a thin shell structure has been built without steel reinforcement.

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Huangjueping Graffiti Art Street updated

2021-10-11 16:03:24 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Graffiti Street gets a new look and new graffiti art gallery... The reporter learned that Chongqing Huangjueping Graffiti Art Street Improvement Project has been fully completed and is waiting for you.

It is introduced that Huangjueping Graffiti Art Street Improvement Project starts at Tielu Primary School and ends at Chongqing 501 Art Base and the gate of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, with a total length of about 1200 meters. The Project includes the renovation of 11 buildings along the Street, the remediation of about 23,000 square meters of walls, the implementation of about 6,500 square meters of ground painting, and the construction of a new graffiti art gallery.

A walk down the Street reveals that the buildings along the Street have been painted with a new look. It is learned that the newly painted facade brings together the works of renowned contemporary artists such as Luo Zhongli, Pang Maokun, Zhang Xiaogang and Yang Shu.

Next to the gate of the Huangjueping Campus of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, red wall tiles and irregular curved surfaces form a rolling “beehive” with large trees coming through the holes. This is the new graffiti art gallery.

“This art gallery has a total length of 46m and a total floor area of 360 square meters. The walls of the ‘beehive’ are only 9cm thick and there is no steel or metal material in it.” A staff member said that the unique shape of the art gallery presents different curved surfaces, which are subject to different forces and are not supported by steel bars, and in order to guarantee its stability, they first data-modelled the construction and then cut and built the formwork, using both inner and outer layers of terracotta bricks and highly ductile concrete masonry. It is the first time in the country that such a thin shell structure has been built without steel reinforcement.

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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