These flowers are blooming out-of-season, why?
Many citizens found that the surrounding begonias and cherry blossoms that should have bloomed in spring are also flowering.

These flowers are blooming out-of-season, why?


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- The chill comes with the autumn rain, now the Cold Dew has passed, it is the late autumn, many attentive citizens found that the surrounding begonias and cherry blossoms that should have bloomed in spring are also flowering in the autumn rain, which present to be extraordinarily beautiful.

In the morning, the reporter came to the Nanshan Botanical Garden and found that some plants had begun to change color and wither, but a few cherry trees had a small amount of light pink and white flowers, attractive and charming.

On both sides of the road, clusters of begonias are also quietly blooming in the rain, pink flowers dotted on tall branches, as if in the wrong season, attracting tourists to stop and watch.

Why are these flowers, which are supposed to bloom in spring, flowering in autumn?

Ju Xueyong, a senior engineer of Nanshan Botanical Garden, told reporters that plants bloom out of season in autumn, mainly affected by photoperiod and hydrothermal conditions. Because of the continuous high temperature in Chongqing some time ago, and the recent sudden drop in temperature, resulting in the rapid accumulation of water and fertilizer nutrients in plants, promoting flower bud differentiation, reaching the conditions of flowering.

Ju Xueyong said that Chongqing has the phenomenon of out-of-season flowering every year, because of the special weather conditions this year, there are more varieties and number of flowers blooming for the second time than in previous years. The Yoshino cherry blossoms, weeping cherry blossoms, and begonias in the Nanshan Botanical Garden usually blossom around March, but now there is an “illusion” that they are all in full bloom.

Ju Xueyong specially introduced that although Rosaceae plants such as cherry blossoms and begonia are now out of season, they will certainly bloom again next spring, and the best viewing period is still in spring.

Let’s wait in peace for the spring with blossoms around and have a beautiful date with spring. 

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These flowers are blooming out-of-season, why?

2021-10-19 14:40:34 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- The chill comes with the autumn rain, now the Cold Dew has passed, it is the late autumn, many attentive citizens found that the surrounding begonias and cherry blossoms that should have bloomed in spring are also flowering in the autumn rain, which present to be extraordinarily beautiful.

In the morning, the reporter came to the Nanshan Botanical Garden and found that some plants had begun to change color and wither, but a few cherry trees had a small amount of light pink and white flowers, attractive and charming.

On both sides of the road, clusters of begonias are also quietly blooming in the rain, pink flowers dotted on tall branches, as if in the wrong season, attracting tourists to stop and watch.

Why are these flowers, which are supposed to bloom in spring, flowering in autumn?

Ju Xueyong, a senior engineer of Nanshan Botanical Garden, told reporters that plants bloom out of season in autumn, mainly affected by photoperiod and hydrothermal conditions. Because of the continuous high temperature in Chongqing some time ago, and the recent sudden drop in temperature, resulting in the rapid accumulation of water and fertilizer nutrients in plants, promoting flower bud differentiation, reaching the conditions of flowering.

Ju Xueyong said that Chongqing has the phenomenon of out-of-season flowering every year, because of the special weather conditions this year, there are more varieties and number of flowers blooming for the second time than in previous years. The Yoshino cherry blossoms, weeping cherry blossoms, and begonias in the Nanshan Botanical Garden usually blossom around March, but now there is an “illusion” that they are all in full bloom.

Ju Xueyong specially introduced that although Rosaceae plants such as cherry blossoms and begonia are now out of season, they will certainly bloom again next spring, and the best viewing period is still in spring.

Let’s wait in peace for the spring with blossoms around and have a beautiful date with spring. 

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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