Here comes the “hot and cold carriage”!
The first vehicle for the second phase of CRT Line 4 was unveiled at Chongqing CRRC Changke Track Vehicles Co., Ltd.

Here comes the “hot and cold carriage”!


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Recently, the first vehicle for the second phase of CRT Line 4 was unveiled at Chongqing CRRC Changke Track Vehicles Co., Ltd. The carriage realizes the cold and warm partition, carries the running part detection system to equip the train with the “doctor”… The application of many new technologies makes the new cars in the second phase of Line 4 full of science and technology.

Heart-warming: Six carriages can be adjusted with different temperatures for more comfortable ride

The reporter saw at the site that the vehicle body of the second phase of CRT Line 4 adopts Line 4 color “Sun Orange” and white coordinated collocation, fresh and smart.

When you walk into the car, you can see that there is a display screen above the door and above the connection of the two carriages, which is convenient for passengers to view the information such as the train running and the station in front.

According to reports, the second phase of CRT Line 4 is organized according to six carriages arrangement, with a maximum capacity of 2322 passengers. The dynamic map display above the door has increased from 37 inches to 43 inches, with a larger font, which can not only show the route map and arrival status, but also provide passengers with more information.

In view of the different adaptability of passengers to air-conditioning temperature, the second-phase vehicles of CRT Line 4 can set the temperature of 6 carriages respectively and realize the cold and warm partition of the whole train by upgrading the air-conditioning control system. This is also the first time that Chongqing CRT vehicles realized temperature regulation among carriages.

In the future, the second phase of CRT Line 4 carriages will be divided into three modes of weakly cold, moderate, strong cold. The average temperature of moderate carriage is set at 26℃, while the average temperature of weak cold and strong cold carriage is adjusted about 26℃. At the same time, with the change of passenger flow, the temperature will be adjusted automatically in real time.

How do passengers identify “cold and warm carriages”? After the train is put into operation, the station will post a “hot and cold carriages” sign on the platform, and passengers can wait for the train in the corresponding area in advance according to the guidelines on the sign.

Smart: Equipped with an onboard “doctor” to make the train run more safely

According to reports, the second phase vehicle of Line 4 adopts the subway train health management system, the running part detection system, the train-to-ground wireless transmission system and other technologies to make the train operation more intelligent and safe.

Taking the train health management system as an example, the system can predict the possible faults of the vehicle and guide the maintenance personnel to deal with them by analyzing all the data transmitted by the train and the trackside data of the depot. The existing mode of vehicle maintenance is changed from “preventive maintenance” to “condition-based maintenance”.

The vehicle is equipped with a running part detection system, which is equivalent to equipping the train with a “doctor”. The running part is the part of the vehicle running along the line under the action of traction power, which can ensure that the vehicle runs flexibly, safely and smoothly along the rail and through the curve. When the vehicle is running, the accompanying “doctor” also carries out a “physical examination” on the key parts of the vehicle in real time, finds faults and gives early warning in time, and accurately guides the use and maintenance of the vehicle.

The second phase of CRT Line 4 is expected to open for trial operation in the first half of next year

The second phase of CRT Line 4 starts at Tangjiatuo Station and ends at Shichuan Station, with a total line length of 32.8 km and 15 stations, including Tieshanping Station, Ganbazi Station, Fohong Avenue Station, Yuzui Station, Yumiao Road Station, Gaoshikan Station, Fusheng Station, Wangjiacheng Station, Shengjibao Station, Longxing Station, Gaoshita Station, Pufu Station, Tongzilin Station, Shichuan South Station and Shichuan Station (all tentative names for planning).

At present, the second phase of CRT Line 4 has been completed, and the mechanical and electrical installation and station decoration work have been carried out in an all-round way. Electric circulation is expected to be completed in November this year, and trial operation will be launched in the first half of next year.

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Here comes the “hot and cold carriage”!

2021-10-22 14:39:40 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Recently, the first vehicle for the second phase of CRT Line 4 was unveiled at Chongqing CRRC Changke Track Vehicles Co., Ltd. The carriage realizes the cold and warm partition, carries the running part detection system to equip the train with the “doctor”… The application of many new technologies makes the new cars in the second phase of Line 4 full of science and technology.

Heart-warming: Six carriages can be adjusted with different temperatures for more comfortable ride

The reporter saw at the site that the vehicle body of the second phase of CRT Line 4 adopts Line 4 color “Sun Orange” and white coordinated collocation, fresh and smart.

When you walk into the car, you can see that there is a display screen above the door and above the connection of the two carriages, which is convenient for passengers to view the information such as the train running and the station in front.

According to reports, the second phase of CRT Line 4 is organized according to six carriages arrangement, with a maximum capacity of 2322 passengers. The dynamic map display above the door has increased from 37 inches to 43 inches, with a larger font, which can not only show the route map and arrival status, but also provide passengers with more information.

In view of the different adaptability of passengers to air-conditioning temperature, the second-phase vehicles of CRT Line 4 can set the temperature of 6 carriages respectively and realize the cold and warm partition of the whole train by upgrading the air-conditioning control system. This is also the first time that Chongqing CRT vehicles realized temperature regulation among carriages.

In the future, the second phase of CRT Line 4 carriages will be divided into three modes of weakly cold, moderate, strong cold. The average temperature of moderate carriage is set at 26℃, while the average temperature of weak cold and strong cold carriage is adjusted about 26℃. At the same time, with the change of passenger flow, the temperature will be adjusted automatically in real time.

How do passengers identify “cold and warm carriages”? After the train is put into operation, the station will post a “hot and cold carriages” sign on the platform, and passengers can wait for the train in the corresponding area in advance according to the guidelines on the sign.

Smart: Equipped with an onboard “doctor” to make the train run more safely

According to reports, the second phase vehicle of Line 4 adopts the subway train health management system, the running part detection system, the train-to-ground wireless transmission system and other technologies to make the train operation more intelligent and safe.

Taking the train health management system as an example, the system can predict the possible faults of the vehicle and guide the maintenance personnel to deal with them by analyzing all the data transmitted by the train and the trackside data of the depot. The existing mode of vehicle maintenance is changed from “preventive maintenance” to “condition-based maintenance”.

The vehicle is equipped with a running part detection system, which is equivalent to equipping the train with a “doctor”. The running part is the part of the vehicle running along the line under the action of traction power, which can ensure that the vehicle runs flexibly, safely and smoothly along the rail and through the curve. When the vehicle is running, the accompanying “doctor” also carries out a “physical examination” on the key parts of the vehicle in real time, finds faults and gives early warning in time, and accurately guides the use and maintenance of the vehicle.

The second phase of CRT Line 4 is expected to open for trial operation in the first half of next year

The second phase of CRT Line 4 starts at Tangjiatuo Station and ends at Shichuan Station, with a total line length of 32.8 km and 15 stations, including Tieshanping Station, Ganbazi Station, Fohong Avenue Station, Yuzui Station, Yumiao Road Station, Gaoshikan Station, Fusheng Station, Wangjiacheng Station, Shengjibao Station, Longxing Station, Gaoshita Station, Pufu Station, Tongzilin Station, Shichuan South Station and Shichuan Station (all tentative names for planning).

At present, the second phase of CRT Line 4 has been completed, and the mechanical and electrical installation and station decoration work have been carried out in an all-round way. Electric circulation is expected to be completed in November this year, and trial operation will be launched in the first half of next year.

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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