Two giant murals “hidden” in the secret passage of Danzishi
At the No. 4 entrance/exit of the Danzishi Station of CRT Loop Line, two giant murals came into view.

Two giant murals “hidden” in the secret passage of Danzishi


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- As Chongqing Rail Transit trains go “up to the sky and down into the ground”, passengers can often check in Chongqing’s secret destinations, providing citizens and tourists a new experience! At the No. 4 entrance/exit of Danzishi Station of CRT Loop Line, there are two giant murals of both poetic flavor and humanities. Come here to experience the old Chongqing style!

At the No. 4 entrance/exit of the Danzishi Station of CRT Loop Line, two giant murals came into view. Looking up, the undulating mountains are attached to the steep slope, accompanied by a parade of wild geese flying together, and the scenery of the mountain city is in full view; looking back, there are pile dwellings, arranged in turn, guests of teahouse talking eloquently, bronze statues of porters with carrying poles, making the memory of old Chongqing surging in my mind all of a sudden.

“Here are the entrance/exit, and there are actually two murals representing the mountain city Chongqing. They are full of creativity, and they are really rare …” Ms. Li, who came here to take the CRT Loop Line, said so.

“If the passage here were not so hidden, the giant mural would be very popular. They are so distinctive…” Mr. Wang, who lives nearby, said so.

It is learned that Nanbin Road Construction and Development Center proceeded with the transformation work in April this year. After 45 days, it beautified and upgraded entrance/exit No. 3 and No. 4 of CRT Danzishi Station, according to the actual topographical and geomorphological conditions, through bright color painting and undulating three-dimensional ink painting. It realized the integration of Bayu (Chongqing) traditional culture and modern fashion elements, highlighting the ecological leisure, culture and art theme features. The entrance/exit No. 3 and No. 4 of the Danzishi Station of the Loop Line will be built into a “exquisite, delicate, elegant and clean” urban mini park, so that citizens and tourists can experience the cultural characteristics of the mountain city when they pass by.

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Two giant murals “hidden” in the secret passage of Danzishi

2021-10-26 16:01:34 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- As Chongqing Rail Transit trains go “up to the sky and down into the ground”, passengers can often check in Chongqing’s secret destinations, providing citizens and tourists a new experience! At the No. 4 entrance/exit of Danzishi Station of CRT Loop Line, there are two giant murals of both poetic flavor and humanities. Come here to experience the old Chongqing style!

At the No. 4 entrance/exit of the Danzishi Station of CRT Loop Line, two giant murals came into view. Looking up, the undulating mountains are attached to the steep slope, accompanied by a parade of wild geese flying together, and the scenery of the mountain city is in full view; looking back, there are pile dwellings, arranged in turn, guests of teahouse talking eloquently, bronze statues of porters with carrying poles, making the memory of old Chongqing surging in my mind all of a sudden.

“Here are the entrance/exit, and there are actually two murals representing the mountain city Chongqing. They are full of creativity, and they are really rare …” Ms. Li, who came here to take the CRT Loop Line, said so.

“If the passage here were not so hidden, the giant mural would be very popular. They are so distinctive…” Mr. Wang, who lives nearby, said so.

It is learned that Nanbin Road Construction and Development Center proceeded with the transformation work in April this year. After 45 days, it beautified and upgraded entrance/exit No. 3 and No. 4 of CRT Danzishi Station, according to the actual topographical and geomorphological conditions, through bright color painting and undulating three-dimensional ink painting. It realized the integration of Bayu (Chongqing) traditional culture and modern fashion elements, highlighting the ecological leisure, culture and art theme features. The entrance/exit No. 3 and No. 4 of the Danzishi Station of the Loop Line will be built into a “exquisite, delicate, elegant and clean” urban mini park, so that citizens and tourists can experience the cultural characteristics of the mountain city when they pass by.

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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