When will winter start in Chongqing this year?
The Chongqing Meteorological Service predicts that the weather in Chongqing will remain cloudy and rainy.

When will winter start in Chongqing this year?


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- On the morning of October 27th, Chongqing encountered rainy and foggy weather in many places, with minimum visibility as low as 100 meters in Kaizhou, Wansheng and other places. The Chongqing Meteorological Service predicts that the weather in Chongqing will remain cloudy and rainy. The main urban areas of Chongqing is expected to have sunny days again this Saturday.

Over the past few days, Chongqing continues to have rainy and cooling weather, so that all parts of Chongqing entered the autumn all of a sudden. Many netizens complained, “It’s autumn now? This is clearly the beginning of winter!” Has Chongqing entered winter after all?

Tang Hongyu, chief engineer of the Chongqing Climate Center, explained that according to climate, if the average temperature for five consecutive days is lower than 10 ℃, the first day that reaches this standard is officially regarded as winter. In previous years, the winter in Chongqing starts from mid-November to mid-December. Judging from the current temperature, the time for Chongqing to enter winter this year is a little later than that of previous years.

Meteorologists reminded that in recent rainy days, the road is slippery with low visibility on some sections of the road, and for citizens traveling by car, please drive carefully, slow down and turn on lights when necessary. 

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When will winter start in Chongqing this year?

2021-10-29 14:27:27 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- On the morning of October 27th, Chongqing encountered rainy and foggy weather in many places, with minimum visibility as low as 100 meters in Kaizhou, Wansheng and other places. The Chongqing Meteorological Service predicts that the weather in Chongqing will remain cloudy and rainy. The main urban areas of Chongqing is expected to have sunny days again this Saturday.

Over the past few days, Chongqing continues to have rainy and cooling weather, so that all parts of Chongqing entered the autumn all of a sudden. Many netizens complained, “It’s autumn now? This is clearly the beginning of winter!” Has Chongqing entered winter after all?

Tang Hongyu, chief engineer of the Chongqing Climate Center, explained that according to climate, if the average temperature for five consecutive days is lower than 10 ℃, the first day that reaches this standard is officially regarded as winter. In previous years, the winter in Chongqing starts from mid-November to mid-December. Judging from the current temperature, the time for Chongqing to enter winter this year is a little later than that of previous years.

Meteorologists reminded that in recent rainy days, the road is slippery with low visibility on some sections of the road, and for citizens traveling by car, please drive carefully, slow down and turn on lights when necessary. 

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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