4-year-old Chongqing girl warms everyone’s heart in the winter
“Thank you for taking care of me!”

4-year-old Chongqing girl warms everyone’s heart in the winter


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- “Thank you for taking care of me!”

On November 9, the 4-year-old confirmed with COVID-19 in Chongqing spoke out publicly for the first time. Her soft and cuddly words instantly warmed the hearts of the medical staff. 

The little girl was confirmed with COVID-19 on November 7, after her mother was confirmed as an asymptomatic patient. Taking into account the factors such as her psychological health and emotional stability, Chongqing Public Health Medical Center specially placed the little girl and her mother in the same ward.

“The little girl has a great appetite and everything we provide are kid’s meals that she loves. Next, we will have to add nutrition to her meal by customizing her daily diet with chicken soup, fish soup, seaweed bone soup,” a medical worker introduced.

The child is also mentally well. Through the video, the reporter saw the little girl sitting on the bed, playing plasticine with her mother. The mother and daughter were talking and laughing. When they had a moment of peace, they would read books and tell stories together.

“The girl was very young and a bit scared when she arrived. To ensure her emotional stability, our staff stayed with her and the psychologist immediately gave her psychological support and kept reassuring her,” said Li Peibo, the head of the Medical Affairs Department of Chongqing Public Health Medical Center. He said that the hospital had also arranged for bedside care by experienced medical staff for such a young patient, and accompanied her throughout the tests such as CT.

Li said that the medical staff would also make video calls with the girl’s mother several times a day to keep track of her condition.

According to Deng Li, the deputy director of Chongqing Health Commission, considering that the patient was a child, additional experts from the Children’s Hospital of Chongqing Medical University were sent to consult and treat the patient, in addition to experts in respiratory and critical care. At present, the medical staff was adhering to a combination of Chinese and Western medicine and providing multidisciplinary and integrated individualized treatment for the girl.

As the child was admitted directly from the quarantine site, she did not have her thermal cup, nail clipper, bath towel and cotton slippers with her. How to respond to this? Learning the situation, Chongqing Public Health Medical Center immediately provided the little girl with these household items, as well as books, paper and pens, and toys. 

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4-year-old Chongqing girl warms everyone’s heart in the winter

2021-11-11 14:25:50 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- “Thank you for taking care of me!”

On November 9, the 4-year-old confirmed with COVID-19 in Chongqing spoke out publicly for the first time. Her soft and cuddly words instantly warmed the hearts of the medical staff. 

The little girl was confirmed with COVID-19 on November 7, after her mother was confirmed as an asymptomatic patient. Taking into account the factors such as her psychological health and emotional stability, Chongqing Public Health Medical Center specially placed the little girl and her mother in the same ward.

“The little girl has a great appetite and everything we provide are kid’s meals that she loves. Next, we will have to add nutrition to her meal by customizing her daily diet with chicken soup, fish soup, seaweed bone soup,” a medical worker introduced.

The child is also mentally well. Through the video, the reporter saw the little girl sitting on the bed, playing plasticine with her mother. The mother and daughter were talking and laughing. When they had a moment of peace, they would read books and tell stories together.

“The girl was very young and a bit scared when she arrived. To ensure her emotional stability, our staff stayed with her and the psychologist immediately gave her psychological support and kept reassuring her,” said Li Peibo, the head of the Medical Affairs Department of Chongqing Public Health Medical Center. He said that the hospital had also arranged for bedside care by experienced medical staff for such a young patient, and accompanied her throughout the tests such as CT.

Li said that the medical staff would also make video calls with the girl’s mother several times a day to keep track of her condition.

According to Deng Li, the deputy director of Chongqing Health Commission, considering that the patient was a child, additional experts from the Children’s Hospital of Chongqing Medical University were sent to consult and treat the patient, in addition to experts in respiratory and critical care. At present, the medical staff was adhering to a combination of Chinese and Western medicine and providing multidisciplinary and integrated individualized treatment for the girl.

As the child was admitted directly from the quarantine site, she did not have her thermal cup, nail clipper, bath towel and cotton slippers with her. How to respond to this? Learning the situation, Chongqing Public Health Medical Center immediately provided the little girl with these household items, as well as books, paper and pens, and toys. 

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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