Warm gifts to children at the centralized quarantine site
Some quarantined children in an epidemic prevention and control centralized quarantine site received warm gifts.

Warm gifts to children at the centralized quarantine site


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- “Hi kids, I heard from the aunts and uncles working on the epidemic prevention that you have been very brave and have carefully followed the epidemic prevention measures. Praise you for your courage and we wish you a speedy end to your quarantine!” Recently, a group of quarantined children in an epidemic prevention and control centralized quarantine site in Shapingba District received heart-warming gifts from a loving supermarket, with letters of encouragement from the staff to the children.

It is learned that at present, the centralized quarantine sites in Chongqing are under strict control, while at the same time providing the best possible care for the lives of the people under quarantine and observation, with particular attention to the children.

After learning that there were many children at this quarantine site, the retail supermarkets around the site also mobilized to send free snacks, fruit and toys. The medical staff at the quarantine site said that each child in quarantine is meticulously cared for, with three meals a day being provided exclusively for them. These gifts will be distributed to the children in batches in strict accordance with the quarantine requirements. It is believed that with these gifts, the quarantine period for these children will no longer be boring.

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Warm gifts to children at the centralized quarantine site

2021-11-15 15:18:51 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- “Hi kids, I heard from the aunts and uncles working on the epidemic prevention that you have been very brave and have carefully followed the epidemic prevention measures. Praise you for your courage and we wish you a speedy end to your quarantine!” Recently, a group of quarantined children in an epidemic prevention and control centralized quarantine site in Shapingba District received heart-warming gifts from a loving supermarket, with letters of encouragement from the staff to the children.

It is learned that at present, the centralized quarantine sites in Chongqing are under strict control, while at the same time providing the best possible care for the lives of the people under quarantine and observation, with particular attention to the children.

After learning that there were many children at this quarantine site, the retail supermarkets around the site also mobilized to send free snacks, fruit and toys. The medical staff at the quarantine site said that each child in quarantine is meticulously cared for, with three meals a day being provided exclusively for them. These gifts will be distributed to the children in batches in strict accordance with the quarantine requirements. It is believed that with these gifts, the quarantine period for these children will no longer be boring.

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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