The largest indoor stadium among Chongqing universities to come
It is expected to be completed and put into use next year.

The largest indoor stadium among Chongqing universities to come


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- The reporter recently learned from Chongqing Branch of Southwest Company of China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Corp., Ltd. that the roof water-break node of the Sports Center construction project at Huxi Campus of Chongqing University has been completed and the full-scale interior decoration construction stage has been launched, which is expected to be completed and put into use next year.

The Sports Center construction project at Huxi Campus of Chongqing University is a comprehensive sports complex with four functional areas, including a sports competition area (medium-sized Grade-A indoor stadium), a swimming training area (Grade-A swimming pool), a ball training area (containing fitness, basketball, badminton, volleyball, table tennis and other functions) and an underground parking area (Class I garage). With a total gross floor area of approximately 44,300 square meters, the project comprises an above-ground floor area of approximately 27,200 square meters and an underground floor area of approximately 17,100 square meters.

The reporter saw that the Sports Center construction project at Huxi Campus of Chongqing University is taking shape. The upper part of the main arena has a basic square shape in the form of a “trencher cap”.

“The main arena of the Sports Center is a diamond structure. The roof span is currently the largest among university stadiums in Chongqing, and the tensioned beam-like structural system is currently applied for the first time on a Chongqing stadium.” According to Chen Ding, General Manager of Sports Center Project of Chongqing University of China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Corp., Ltd., the construction of the curtain wall on the facade of the main arena of the Sports Center has been mostly completed, with the beautiful curved metal roof complementing the combination of the white aluminum square tubes on the facade. At present, the indoor electromechanical and fire-fighting pipelines of the main arena have basically completed, the interior decoration is still proceeding, and the paving of the floor and walls is being carried out on a large scale.

The swimming pool adjacent to the main arena is a diamond-shaped structure, symbolizing the undulating waves. The metal roof of the swimming training area is in the finishing stage of the project. The pool decoration has been measured and placed, and the installation of the pool equipment is underway.

Chen Ding said that nearly 300 builders are currently working on the front line to decorate the interior and exterior of the building, with plans to complete all decorative construction early next year. By June of next year, the Sports Center construction project at Huxi Campus of Chongqing University project will be fully completed, which will then become the largest stadium among Chongqing universities. 

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The largest indoor stadium among Chongqing universities to come

2021-11-26 16:12:09 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- The reporter recently learned from Chongqing Branch of Southwest Company of China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Corp., Ltd. that the roof water-break node of the Sports Center construction project at Huxi Campus of Chongqing University has been completed and the full-scale interior decoration construction stage has been launched, which is expected to be completed and put into use next year.

The Sports Center construction project at Huxi Campus of Chongqing University is a comprehensive sports complex with four functional areas, including a sports competition area (medium-sized Grade-A indoor stadium), a swimming training area (Grade-A swimming pool), a ball training area (containing fitness, basketball, badminton, volleyball, table tennis and other functions) and an underground parking area (Class I garage). With a total gross floor area of approximately 44,300 square meters, the project comprises an above-ground floor area of approximately 27,200 square meters and an underground floor area of approximately 17,100 square meters.

The reporter saw that the Sports Center construction project at Huxi Campus of Chongqing University is taking shape. The upper part of the main arena has a basic square shape in the form of a “trencher cap”.

“The main arena of the Sports Center is a diamond structure. The roof span is currently the largest among university stadiums in Chongqing, and the tensioned beam-like structural system is currently applied for the first time on a Chongqing stadium.” According to Chen Ding, General Manager of Sports Center Project of Chongqing University of China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Corp., Ltd., the construction of the curtain wall on the facade of the main arena of the Sports Center has been mostly completed, with the beautiful curved metal roof complementing the combination of the white aluminum square tubes on the facade. At present, the indoor electromechanical and fire-fighting pipelines of the main arena have basically completed, the interior decoration is still proceeding, and the paving of the floor and walls is being carried out on a large scale.

The swimming pool adjacent to the main arena is a diamond-shaped structure, symbolizing the undulating waves. The metal roof of the swimming training area is in the finishing stage of the project. The pool decoration has been measured and placed, and the installation of the pool equipment is underway.

Chen Ding said that nearly 300 builders are currently working on the front line to decorate the interior and exterior of the building, with plans to complete all decorative construction early next year. By June of next year, the Sports Center construction project at Huxi Campus of Chongqing University project will be fully completed, which will then become the largest stadium among Chongqing universities. 

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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