Chongqing Hongyadong Ferry Terminal opening
Chongqing Hongyadong Ferry Terminal opened for operation, with the launch of Two-river Tour and three ferry routes.

Chongqing Hongyadong Ferry Terminal opening


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- On November 26, Chongqing Hongyadong Ferry Terminal opened for operation, with the launch of Two-river Tour and three ferry routes.

As you come from Hongyadong Observation Platform on Jiabin Road, go down the steps to the visitor gathering platform at the wharf, the ferry boats and river cruisers lines at at Wharf I, Wharf II and Wharf III.

The reporter saw that the LED screens on the barges scrolling the schedule information, precautions against COVID-19 and safety instructions for each route. Visitors were guided by staff to queue up orderly to purchase tickets.

The person in charge of Chongqing Passenger Liner Co., Ltd. said that after the opening of Hongyadong Ferry Terminal, the Two-river Tour and ferry passenger transport will be relocated to Hongyadong Terminal, with ferry routes of Hongyadong to Fengxituo in Dazhulin, Hongyadong to Jiangbeizui to Danzishi, Hongyadong to Guangyang Island, and two-river tour route.

“After visiting Hongyadong, I walked down to the Wharf where I could take the boat, which was very convenient.” Mr. Li, who lives in Nanping, and his friend arrived at the Wharf early to experience the maiden voyage.

Li said that out-of-town friends usually come to Chongqing to take a tour of Hongyadong and then to Chaotianmen for two-river tour. Compared to the old days, visitors can now go down from Hongyadong to the Binjiang Road to the Wharf and take a boat on the river nearby to get a glimpse of the night view of Hongyadong. The land and water attractions are more closely linked. “If I have friends visiting Chongqing, I will definitely bring them to experience this.”

“I have previously taken the ferry from Chaotianmen to Dazhulin, and the view from the river over the train passing through the building and Ciqikou is unique.” Upon learning of the opening of Hongyadong Ferry Terminal, Miss Liu, who lives in Yangjiaping, also made a special trip to the terminal to experience the ferry route to Danzishi. For her, the ferry routes connect attractions along the rivers, providing a convenient way for people to travel on the water and enjoy the beauty of the two rivers and four banks.

According to the person in charge of Chongqing Passenger Liner Co., Ltd., the Company is also expected to open a sightseeing ferry route from Hongyadong to Ciqikou within this year, and subsequently a water bus loop, a route from Hongyadong to Tongyuanju in Nan’an and the Construction Plant in Jiulongpo, while increasing the density of ships according to passenger flow to provide water recreation services for citizens and tourists commuting and sightseeing.

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Chongqing Hongyadong Ferry Terminal opening

2021-11-30 14:13:19 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- On November 26, Chongqing Hongyadong Ferry Terminal opened for operation, with the launch of Two-river Tour and three ferry routes.

As you come from Hongyadong Observation Platform on Jiabin Road, go down the steps to the visitor gathering platform at the wharf, the ferry boats and river cruisers lines at at Wharf I, Wharf II and Wharf III.

The reporter saw that the LED screens on the barges scrolling the schedule information, precautions against COVID-19 and safety instructions for each route. Visitors were guided by staff to queue up orderly to purchase tickets.

The person in charge of Chongqing Passenger Liner Co., Ltd. said that after the opening of Hongyadong Ferry Terminal, the Two-river Tour and ferry passenger transport will be relocated to Hongyadong Terminal, with ferry routes of Hongyadong to Fengxituo in Dazhulin, Hongyadong to Jiangbeizui to Danzishi, Hongyadong to Guangyang Island, and two-river tour route.

“After visiting Hongyadong, I walked down to the Wharf where I could take the boat, which was very convenient.” Mr. Li, who lives in Nanping, and his friend arrived at the Wharf early to experience the maiden voyage.

Li said that out-of-town friends usually come to Chongqing to take a tour of Hongyadong and then to Chaotianmen for two-river tour. Compared to the old days, visitors can now go down from Hongyadong to the Binjiang Road to the Wharf and take a boat on the river nearby to get a glimpse of the night view of Hongyadong. The land and water attractions are more closely linked. “If I have friends visiting Chongqing, I will definitely bring them to experience this.”

“I have previously taken the ferry from Chaotianmen to Dazhulin, and the view from the river over the train passing through the building and Ciqikou is unique.” Upon learning of the opening of Hongyadong Ferry Terminal, Miss Liu, who lives in Yangjiaping, also made a special trip to the terminal to experience the ferry route to Danzishi. For her, the ferry routes connect attractions along the rivers, providing a convenient way for people to travel on the water and enjoy the beauty of the two rivers and four banks.

According to the person in charge of Chongqing Passenger Liner Co., Ltd., the Company is also expected to open a sightseeing ferry route from Hongyadong to Ciqikou within this year, and subsequently a water bus loop, a route from Hongyadong to Tongyuanju in Nan’an and the Construction Plant in Jiulongpo, while increasing the density of ships according to passenger flow to provide water recreation services for citizens and tourists commuting and sightseeing.

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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