What can you learn from a radish?
Students are responsible for the cultivation of radish and integrated labor education courses were carried out here.

What can you learn from a radish?


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- “This radish I pulled out was a round one, not the same as this long one you have!” “This one I pulled is so small! But it looks like ginseng!” A few days ago, the third-grade students of Xinghu School in Chongqing Liangjiang New Area were having fun on the roof of the radish labor practice base, and the radishes planted by them welcomed a big harvest.
Sunflower that withered after being a nature lesson for these children was replaced by the 2 acres of radish. Students are responsible for the cultivation of radish and integrated labor education courses were carried out here.

The students not only engaged in labor education by pulling radishes, but also engaged in a series of hands-on activities led by teachers in a variety of integrated labor education courses such as transporting radishes, weighing radishes, mixing radishes, painting radishes, and carving radishes.
In physical education, the teacher took the students to a radish passing contest in the planting field, where they experienced the joy of working and got physical exercise with joy. In science class, the teacher led the students to build blocks with radishes to “study radishes”. In Chinese class, the teacher led the students to “talk about radishes” and further explore the mystery of radishes.

Xinhu School grows not only radishes, but also a variety of fruits and vegetables and plants such as sunflowers and herbs so that students are able to conduct a variety of integration programs in the school’s planting plot throughout the year. Previously, the school conducted a sunflower-themed project-based integration curriculum that incorporated knowledge of language, science, math, art, music and other subjects into the curriculum. In recent years, Xinhu School has focused on promoting comprehensive educational reform and building a good educational ecosystem. 

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What can you learn from a radish?

2022-01-17 15:37:16 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- “This radish I pulled out was a round one, not the same as this long one you have!” “This one I pulled is so small! But it looks like ginseng!” A few days ago, the third-grade students of Xinghu School in Chongqing Liangjiang New Area were having fun on the roof of the radish labor practice base, and the radishes planted by them welcomed a big harvest.
Sunflower that withered after being a nature lesson for these children was replaced by the 2 acres of radish. Students are responsible for the cultivation of radish and integrated labor education courses were carried out here.

The students not only engaged in labor education by pulling radishes, but also engaged in a series of hands-on activities led by teachers in a variety of integrated labor education courses such as transporting radishes, weighing radishes, mixing radishes, painting radishes, and carving radishes.
In physical education, the teacher took the students to a radish passing contest in the planting field, where they experienced the joy of working and got physical exercise with joy. In science class, the teacher led the students to build blocks with radishes to “study radishes”. In Chinese class, the teacher led the students to “talk about radishes” and further explore the mystery of radishes.

Xinhu School grows not only radishes, but also a variety of fruits and vegetables and plants such as sunflowers and herbs so that students are able to conduct a variety of integration programs in the school’s planting plot throughout the year. Previously, the school conducted a sunflower-themed project-based integration curriculum that incorporated knowledge of language, science, math, art, music and other subjects into the curriculum. In recent years, Xinhu School has focused on promoting comprehensive educational reform and building a good educational ecosystem. 

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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