Views under Chongqing’s elevated overpasses
Hustle and bustle on the overpass, leisure and beauty under the overpass...

Views under Chongqing’s elevated overpasses


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Hustle and bustle on the overpass, leisure and beauty under the overpass... such special and uninhibited city images are being laid under various elevated overpasses in Jiulongpo District of Chongqing.
The reporter saw at the Jianshe Pier of Jiubin Road that the bottom of the elevated overpass built along Binjiang road has all been painted light blue, which looks like a blue galaxy from a distance. Construction workers are using bridge inspection trucks, high-altitude lift trucks, etc., to wipe out the broken coating at the pier, clean up the base layer, then scrape putty for repair, and finally paint the top coat. To ensure the safety of the overpass and the painting effect, it is necessary to repair and remove water stains and water marks before painting.
“We use the spraying material fluorocarbon paint, which is not only environment-friendly and durable, but also retains the colors firmly.” According to Zhou Jie, the person in charge of the Bridge Tunnel Management Office of Jiulongpo District Municipal Office, the painting and renovation of the riverside overpass on Jiubin Road has been carried out 90% at present, and it is expected that it will be completed before the Spring Festival.

In the nearby Daguangguan Interchange, all kinds of flowers and trees are planted at the roundabout under the bridge, which looks particularly attractive. At Erlang Interchange, a popular destination on the Internet, construction workers are painting the guardrail on the bridge ...
It is learned that since September last year, Jiulongpo District has completed the painting work of Chentuo Road Bridge, Panglong Avenue Overpass Bridge, Baimadang Pedestrian Overpass, Xiejiawan Interchange, Yunhu Overpass and Fengxi Road Crossing Bridge. Work is currently underway in addition to the Jiubin Road Overpass, there are also Erlang Interchange Bridge, Bandengjiao Interchange Bridge, Chenjiaping Interchange anti-collision guardrail painting, is expected to be completed in April this year.

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Views under Chongqing’s elevated overpasses

2022-01-20 09:34:40 来源: 0 条评论

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Hustle and bustle on the overpass, leisure and beauty under the overpass... such special and uninhibited city images are being laid under various elevated overpasses in Jiulongpo District of Chongqing.
The reporter saw at the Jianshe Pier of Jiubin Road that the bottom of the elevated overpass built along Binjiang road has all been painted light blue, which looks like a blue galaxy from a distance. Construction workers are using bridge inspection trucks, high-altitude lift trucks, etc., to wipe out the broken coating at the pier, clean up the base layer, then scrape putty for repair, and finally paint the top coat. To ensure the safety of the overpass and the painting effect, it is necessary to repair and remove water stains and water marks before painting.
“We use the spraying material fluorocarbon paint, which is not only environment-friendly and durable, but also retains the colors firmly.” According to Zhou Jie, the person in charge of the Bridge Tunnel Management Office of Jiulongpo District Municipal Office, the painting and renovation of the riverside overpass on Jiubin Road has been carried out 90% at present, and it is expected that it will be completed before the Spring Festival.

In the nearby Daguangguan Interchange, all kinds of flowers and trees are planted at the roundabout under the bridge, which looks particularly attractive. At Erlang Interchange, a popular destination on the Internet, construction workers are painting the guardrail on the bridge ...
It is learned that since September last year, Jiulongpo District has completed the painting work of Chentuo Road Bridge, Panglong Avenue Overpass Bridge, Baimadang Pedestrian Overpass, Xiejiawan Interchange, Yunhu Overpass and Fengxi Road Crossing Bridge. Work is currently underway in addition to the Jiubin Road Overpass, there are also Erlang Interchange Bridge, Bandengjiao Interchange Bridge, Chenjiaping Interchange anti-collision guardrail painting, is expected to be completed in April this year.

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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