
Culture News

Ice sculpture of Mexican pyramid inaugurated in China's largest ice-themed park

2022-01-20 15:26:32

HARBIN, Jan. 19 (Xinhua) -- An ice sculpture featuring the famed pyramid of Kukulcan in Mexico was inaugurated Wednesday at China's largest ice-themed park in Harbin, capital of northeast China's Heilongjiang Province.

Expanding 440 square meters, the ice sculpture is 9.5 meters tall and 20.9 meters in length and width. More than 500 sculptors worked a week on the sculpture, which consumed 1,100 cubic meters of ice.

The inauguration at the 23rd Ice and Snow World in Harbin forms part of the series of events that mark the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Mexico.

Cheng Xiaoming, deputy mayor of Harbin, said via video link at the inauguration ceremony that the city is willing to take this opportunity to carry out cooperation in various aspects with different regions in Mexico.

Jesus Seade, the Mexican ambassador to China, said via video link that the inauguration showcases the friendship and cooperation between people and governments of both countries, which will become even closer with frequent exchanges.

Editor:Jiang Yiwei