CRT Line 2 with 8 coaches to come soon
The brand-new trains of CRT Line 2 with 8 coaches are undergoing no-load debugging.

CRT Line 2 with 8 coaches to come soon


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Recently, the brand-new trains of Chongqing Rail Transit Line 2 with 8 coaches are undergoing no-load debugging in the section between Tiantangbao Station and Jiaochangkou Station. The reporter went to find out what this longer and bigger train would bring to passengers.
Chongqing Rail Transit Line 2 is the first cross-seat monorail line in China and has been in safe operation for 17 years. The Trains have run over 221 million vehicle kilometers on this line, with a total passenger volume of over 1 billion.

As the scene "trains passing through building at Liziba Station” becomes more popular, CRT Line 2 is attracting more and more tourists from all over the world, with maximum daily passenger volume exceeding 440,000. The rising passenger volume has put forward new demands on the carrying capacity of CRT Line 2.
Therefore, Chongqing City Transportation Development & Investment Group Co., Ltd. has made a breakthrough in technical research to add coaches on the monorail Line 2 train to 8, increasing the passenger carrying capacity. Zhou Yukai, the deputy manager of the maintenance department of Operation Company No. 2 of Chongqing Rail Transit (Group) Co., Ltd., said that the 8-coach trains combine two signal systems: ATP/TD and CBTC, realizing train ATO (automatic train operation system) driving. With maximum width of 2.98m and maximum speed of 80km per hour, the train can carry 1,802 passengers at most, 460 more than that of the 6-coach train.
The reporter saw that the facilities such as the arrival displays above and inside the doors have been updated on the 8-coach trains. For example, the net opening of the doors has been increased, making it more convenient for passengers to get on and off the train; 43.1-inch dynamic map displays have been installed above the doors, and arrival displays have been installed above the carriage connection, making it convenient for passengers to check the train track and arrival information in order to prepare for getting off in advance.
In addition to the upgrading of facilities, the 8-coach train is more "elegant" in shape. The train is designed in a drum shape for the first time, and its head and body use streamlined design, with two-color ribbons overlapping on the body, taken from the unique scenery of Chongqing, the converging of the two rivers. Smooth lines make the running train look more graceful and natural.
12 brand-new trains with 8 coaches will be added for CRT Line 2. After the expansion and transformation is completed, the capacity of CRT Line 2 will be increased by 25%, effectively relieving the pressure of passenger flow.

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CRT Line 2 with 8 coaches to come soon

2022-03-22 14:36:10 来源:

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Recently, the brand-new trains of Chongqing Rail Transit Line 2 with 8 coaches are undergoing no-load debugging in the section between Tiantangbao Station and Jiaochangkou Station. The reporter went to find out what this longer and bigger train would bring to passengers.
Chongqing Rail Transit Line 2 is the first cross-seat monorail line in China and has been in safe operation for 17 years. The Trains have run over 221 million vehicle kilometers on this line, with a total passenger volume of over 1 billion.

As the scene "trains passing through building at Liziba Station” becomes more popular, CRT Line 2 is attracting more and more tourists from all over the world, with maximum daily passenger volume exceeding 440,000. The rising passenger volume has put forward new demands on the carrying capacity of CRT Line 2.
Therefore, Chongqing City Transportation Development & Investment Group Co., Ltd. has made a breakthrough in technical research to add coaches on the monorail Line 2 train to 8, increasing the passenger carrying capacity. Zhou Yukai, the deputy manager of the maintenance department of Operation Company No. 2 of Chongqing Rail Transit (Group) Co., Ltd., said that the 8-coach trains combine two signal systems: ATP/TD and CBTC, realizing train ATO (automatic train operation system) driving. With maximum width of 2.98m and maximum speed of 80km per hour, the train can carry 1,802 passengers at most, 460 more than that of the 6-coach train.
The reporter saw that the facilities such as the arrival displays above and inside the doors have been updated on the 8-coach trains. For example, the net opening of the doors has been increased, making it more convenient for passengers to get on and off the train; 43.1-inch dynamic map displays have been installed above the doors, and arrival displays have been installed above the carriage connection, making it convenient for passengers to check the train track and arrival information in order to prepare for getting off in advance.
In addition to the upgrading of facilities, the 8-coach train is more "elegant" in shape. The train is designed in a drum shape for the first time, and its head and body use streamlined design, with two-color ribbons overlapping on the body, taken from the unique scenery of Chongqing, the converging of the two rivers. Smooth lines make the running train look more graceful and natural.
12 brand-new trains with 8 coaches will be added for CRT Line 2. After the expansion and transformation is completed, the capacity of CRT Line 2 will be increased by 25%, effectively relieving the pressure of passenger flow.

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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