This is how Chongqing fairyland photographed!
"This scene should only be in the sky, but it is actually in Chongqing."

This is how Chongqing fairyland photographed!


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- "Will such beauty shield mortals!" These two days, a short video became a hot issue in Wechat Moments in Chongqing. In the video, the sun rises, the clouds swirls, and the rail train runs on the bridge, as if it runs in the clouds. Combined with the ink-landscape-like urban background, it is like a fairyland on earth. A netizen left a message saying: "this scene should only be in the sky, but it is actually in Chongqing." How did such a video come out? The reporter contacted the photographer Zhou Neng.
Zhou Neng is an aerial photographer who likes to shoot Chongqing in his spare time. The video was taken in the morning of March 24, near Caijia Jialing River Bridge in Liangjiang New Area, Chongqing. Zhou Neng told the reporter that at 6 o'clock in the morning, he came to the small observation platform next to the Caijia Jialing River Bridge and waited. He didn't start shooting until the sun, sea of clouds and train appeared. He recorded this dream-like moment from multiple perspectives and left at 8 o'clock. In other words, the netizen saw this one-minute video which took him more than two hours.
Why does he like to shoot the view of the air? It turns out that Zhou Neng is an air force veteran and has always had a special affection for the sky. So starting from 2017, he taught himself video shooting and editing, and created his own social media account, starting a one-man photography journey. After several years of hard work, he is now famous and has become one of the first batch of special photographers of Chongqing Cultural Tourism Commission.
As for the popularity of this video, Zhou Neng is not only happy, but also proud. "Chongqing is a magic city. Its unique topography makes it unique compared with other cities. As a photography enthusiast, I have the responsibility and obligation to explore the different beauty of this city, which makes me happy." He said that photographers need not only technology, but also enthusiasm. In the future, he will take this enthusiasm to more beautiful places, so that Chongqing can be seen by more people.

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This is how Chongqing fairyland photographed!

2022-03-29 15:29:27 来源:

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- "Will such beauty shield mortals!" These two days, a short video became a hot issue in Wechat Moments in Chongqing. In the video, the sun rises, the clouds swirls, and the rail train runs on the bridge, as if it runs in the clouds. Combined with the ink-landscape-like urban background, it is like a fairyland on earth. A netizen left a message saying: "this scene should only be in the sky, but it is actually in Chongqing." How did such a video come out? The reporter contacted the photographer Zhou Neng.
Zhou Neng is an aerial photographer who likes to shoot Chongqing in his spare time. The video was taken in the morning of March 24, near Caijia Jialing River Bridge in Liangjiang New Area, Chongqing. Zhou Neng told the reporter that at 6 o'clock in the morning, he came to the small observation platform next to the Caijia Jialing River Bridge and waited. He didn't start shooting until the sun, sea of clouds and train appeared. He recorded this dream-like moment from multiple perspectives and left at 8 o'clock. In other words, the netizen saw this one-minute video which took him more than two hours.
Why does he like to shoot the view of the air? It turns out that Zhou Neng is an air force veteran and has always had a special affection for the sky. So starting from 2017, he taught himself video shooting and editing, and created his own social media account, starting a one-man photography journey. After several years of hard work, he is now famous and has become one of the first batch of special photographers of Chongqing Cultural Tourism Commission.
As for the popularity of this video, Zhou Neng is not only happy, but also proud. "Chongqing is a magic city. Its unique topography makes it unique compared with other cities. As a photography enthusiast, I have the responsibility and obligation to explore the different beauty of this city, which makes me happy." He said that photographers need not only technology, but also enthusiasm. In the future, he will take this enthusiasm to more beautiful places, so that Chongqing can be seen by more people.

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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