Chongqing Fuling: villagers busy with spring ploughing in the vineyards
It is the time for spring ploughing.

Chongqing Fuling: villagers busy with spring ploughing in the vineyards


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- On March 20, the spring equinox, it is the time for spring ploughing. In the international ecological agricultural tourism demonstration area of Paotong Village, Maxim Wine Town, Fuling District, the lands in the vineyard planting areas have been changed into strips and blocks by machine. Villagers transplant the grapes seedlings they have raised into the fields, showing a busy scene of work in the vineyard. Under sound prevention and control of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), villagers seize the opportunity to step up their spring plowing and planting.
In recent years, Mexin Wine Town Scenic Spot has fully developed the ecological agricultural tourism resources in surrounding villages, and introduced a project of 10,000 mu vineyard planting in Paotong Village, Linshi Street, Fuling, Chongqing, promoting the mechanized transformation of lands and changing the "barren mountains" into vineyards.
"We are gradually promoting the integration of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries and planning agro-tourism integration industry near the ropeway Line 3 currently. We have piloted a high standard composite planting model integrating the sightseeing and selling of ‘vineyard plus poultry composite planting'" the manager of the scenic spot said. The scenic spot has planned the construction of the cable car transportation in the vineyard planting base, and after its completion, tourists in the cable car can enjoy the 10,000 mu of vineyards in full bloom. 

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Chongqing Fuling: villagers busy with spring ploughing in the vineyards

2022-04-02 09:38:01 来源:

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- On March 20, the spring equinox, it is the time for spring ploughing. In the international ecological agricultural tourism demonstration area of Paotong Village, Maxim Wine Town, Fuling District, the lands in the vineyard planting areas have been changed into strips and blocks by machine. Villagers transplant the grapes seedlings they have raised into the fields, showing a busy scene of work in the vineyard. Under sound prevention and control of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), villagers seize the opportunity to step up their spring plowing and planting.
In recent years, Mexin Wine Town Scenic Spot has fully developed the ecological agricultural tourism resources in surrounding villages, and introduced a project of 10,000 mu vineyard planting in Paotong Village, Linshi Street, Fuling, Chongqing, promoting the mechanized transformation of lands and changing the "barren mountains" into vineyards.
"We are gradually promoting the integration of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries and planning agro-tourism integration industry near the ropeway Line 3 currently. We have piloted a high standard composite planting model integrating the sightseeing and selling of ‘vineyard plus poultry composite planting'" the manager of the scenic spot said. The scenic spot has planned the construction of the cable car transportation in the vineyard planting base, and after its completion, tourists in the cable car can enjoy the 10,000 mu of vineyards in full bloom. 

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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