“She, my college, recovers.” – what college student sealed, controlled for 439 hours sees, hears
The sealing and control of Chongqing City Management College was officially removed.

“She, my college, recovers.” – what college student sealed, controlled for 439 hours sees, hears


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Began at 5:00 p.m. on March 11, the sealing and control of Chongqing City Management College was officially removed in the small hours of March 30.

When Zhao Weitao stepped out of his dormitory, he recalled his experience during the period of sealing and control, feelings flooding. The 19-year-old freshman was so close to the pandemic for the first time. For a total of 439 hours, he has witnessed the details of pandemic prevention and control on campus, and has also gained special inspiration and growth. “My college, she ‘recovers’ today.”
19-year-old man staying in the sealing and control zone without panic

Zhao Weitao is a freshman majoring in Wedding at Chongqing City Management College and a member of the sealing and control zone. When the pandemic first appeared, Zhao Weitao saw a comment on the Internet that there is a process of “shrinking a circle” in the pandemic prevention area. Therefore, the closer to the center of the circle, the more nervous. However, the Building E in which Zhao Weitao’s dormitory is located happens to be the center of the circle –the sealing and control zone.
Zhao Weitao recalled that Health Code of the whole school all turned red in the small hours of March 12. “It’s just annoying that my schedules have been disturbed. There aren’t any other moods and no fear at all.” He had originally planned to take the Subject II exam early on March 12, while he had no choice but to get the registration fee refunded.

Zhao Weitao recalled that there were two reasons why he didn't panic at that time. First, the overall national pandemic prevention work has been perfectly conducted, and the overall environment has endowed him with a great sense of security; second, the college gave a very quick response.
According to the related news, at about 4:30 p.m. on March 11, Chongqing City Management College fully launched the emergency mechanism of pandemic prevention and control. Based on the scheme of pandemic emergency drill, all teachers, students and staff were informed to brake in place, and the school gate was sealed immediately, no transit. According to the pedestrian transit records of the turnstiles provided by the Safety Management Office of the college, the school gate was closed before 5 o'clock on March 11, and no one left the school again. This scheme had been rehearsed before the school started. Once the pandemic occurs in the school, what staff at each position should do has been arranged in advance.

The college began the preparations for the first round of nucleic acid test at 6:00 p.m. on March 11. It was not until 9:30 p.m. that the computer debugging was completed, and 30 nucleic acid collection stations were ready. More than 12,000 teachers, students and staff participated the test, and the first round of nucleic acid test lasted until about 3:00 a.m. on March 12.
439 hours: ordinary people also shining brightly

Then, Zhao Weitao, like everyone else, takes online classes and lives a normal life in the dormitory. However, after finishing giving online classes, the teachers rush to the front line of the battle against pandemic, put on protective suits, carry materials, deliver boxed lunch. “They have been working so hard. If I could go out, I would also like to be a volunteer to help reduce the burden, but what I could do at that time was to perfectly protect myself and not to make trouble”, said Zhao Weitao.

According to the related news, in the first week after the outbreak, almost all the teaching staff of Chongqing City Management College were in a state of overload – nucleic acid test and sampling during the day alongside the transfer of people with close and sub-close contact. In order to block the campus communication chain as soon as possible and speed up the transfer, the teaching staff of transfer group and data group need to stay up and work overtime to process the data.
Since I can’t get out of the dormitory, I could only get information through the Internet. One day, a picture was posted on the school confession wall where a “Baymax” in a protective suit was sitting next to a flower bed, which instantly made Zhao Weitao overwhelmed, eyes red. “The man in this picture is my teacher who just climbed six floors to brought us food”, said Zhao Weitao.
However, it is fortunate that the problem of “difficulty with food delivery” is also solved soon. On March 17, the school installed pulley devices for the dormitory buildings, so that pandemic prevention staff could deliver food through the pulleys, greatly reducing workload.

Students write “My school come on!” “Tide over the difficulties together!” on social platforms; teachers put on protective suits to actively fight the pandemic after online classes; medical and teaching staff as well as volunteers work day and night just to win the battle. All of these scenes are repeated over and over again in the period of sealing and control.
In the period of sealing and control, Zhao Weitao was inclined to watch the sunrise on the balcony of his dormitory. “We are all ordinary people living an ordinary life, just like the sun rising every day. But it is exactly these ordinary people around me that stand up in the time of crisis. Ordinary people can also shine brightly.”

439 hours, 8 nucleic acid tests, Chongqing City Management College officially ended the sealing and control in the small hours of March 30. 

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“She, my college, recovers.” – what college student sealed, controlled for 439 hours sees, hears

2022-04-06 14:56:43 来源:

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Began at 5:00 p.m. on March 11, the sealing and control of Chongqing City Management College was officially removed in the small hours of March 30.

When Zhao Weitao stepped out of his dormitory, he recalled his experience during the period of sealing and control, feelings flooding. The 19-year-old freshman was so close to the pandemic for the first time. For a total of 439 hours, he has witnessed the details of pandemic prevention and control on campus, and has also gained special inspiration and growth. “My college, she ‘recovers’ today.”
19-year-old man staying in the sealing and control zone without panic

Zhao Weitao is a freshman majoring in Wedding at Chongqing City Management College and a member of the sealing and control zone. When the pandemic first appeared, Zhao Weitao saw a comment on the Internet that there is a process of “shrinking a circle” in the pandemic prevention area. Therefore, the closer to the center of the circle, the more nervous. However, the Building E in which Zhao Weitao’s dormitory is located happens to be the center of the circle –the sealing and control zone.
Zhao Weitao recalled that Health Code of the whole school all turned red in the small hours of March 12. “It’s just annoying that my schedules have been disturbed. There aren’t any other moods and no fear at all.” He had originally planned to take the Subject II exam early on March 12, while he had no choice but to get the registration fee refunded.

Zhao Weitao recalled that there were two reasons why he didn't panic at that time. First, the overall national pandemic prevention work has been perfectly conducted, and the overall environment has endowed him with a great sense of security; second, the college gave a very quick response.
According to the related news, at about 4:30 p.m. on March 11, Chongqing City Management College fully launched the emergency mechanism of pandemic prevention and control. Based on the scheme of pandemic emergency drill, all teachers, students and staff were informed to brake in place, and the school gate was sealed immediately, no transit. According to the pedestrian transit records of the turnstiles provided by the Safety Management Office of the college, the school gate was closed before 5 o'clock on March 11, and no one left the school again. This scheme had been rehearsed before the school started. Once the pandemic occurs in the school, what staff at each position should do has been arranged in advance.

The college began the preparations for the first round of nucleic acid test at 6:00 p.m. on March 11. It was not until 9:30 p.m. that the computer debugging was completed, and 30 nucleic acid collection stations were ready. More than 12,000 teachers, students and staff participated the test, and the first round of nucleic acid test lasted until about 3:00 a.m. on March 12.
439 hours: ordinary people also shining brightly

Then, Zhao Weitao, like everyone else, takes online classes and lives a normal life in the dormitory. However, after finishing giving online classes, the teachers rush to the front line of the battle against pandemic, put on protective suits, carry materials, deliver boxed lunch. “They have been working so hard. If I could go out, I would also like to be a volunteer to help reduce the burden, but what I could do at that time was to perfectly protect myself and not to make trouble”, said Zhao Weitao.

According to the related news, in the first week after the outbreak, almost all the teaching staff of Chongqing City Management College were in a state of overload – nucleic acid test and sampling during the day alongside the transfer of people with close and sub-close contact. In order to block the campus communication chain as soon as possible and speed up the transfer, the teaching staff of transfer group and data group need to stay up and work overtime to process the data.
Since I can’t get out of the dormitory, I could only get information through the Internet. One day, a picture was posted on the school confession wall where a “Baymax” in a protective suit was sitting next to a flower bed, which instantly made Zhao Weitao overwhelmed, eyes red. “The man in this picture is my teacher who just climbed six floors to brought us food”, said Zhao Weitao.
However, it is fortunate that the problem of “difficulty with food delivery” is also solved soon. On March 17, the school installed pulley devices for the dormitory buildings, so that pandemic prevention staff could deliver food through the pulleys, greatly reducing workload.

Students write “My school come on!” “Tide over the difficulties together!” on social platforms; teachers put on protective suits to actively fight the pandemic after online classes; medical and teaching staff as well as volunteers work day and night just to win the battle. All of these scenes are repeated over and over again in the period of sealing and control.
In the period of sealing and control, Zhao Weitao was inclined to watch the sunrise on the balcony of his dormitory. “We are all ordinary people living an ordinary life, just like the sun rising every day. But it is exactly these ordinary people around me that stand up in the time of crisis. Ordinary people can also shine brightly.”

439 hours, 8 nucleic acid tests, Chongqing City Management College officially ended the sealing and control in the small hours of March 30. 

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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