Here comes the first national anti-fraud flower show!
China's first Anti-fraud Flower Show has officially opened in Chongqing Nanshan Botanical Garden.

Here comes the first national anti-fraud flower show!


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- To heed the tricks and penetrate the “Mei” (a pun for plum and misfortune), see the fraud and quickly “Tao” (a pun for peach and run), and appreciate the information without casually “Xing” (a pun for apricot blossom and believe)... In order to help more people see through the tricks of fraud and keep away from it, China's first Anti-fraud Flower Show has officially opened in Chongqing Nanshan Botanical Garden.
Set up in Nanshan Botanical Garden, the Chongqing Blue Vest Anti-fraud Flower Show is a commonweal activity sponsored by Chongqing Municipal Public Security Bureau, initiated by Ant Charity Foundation and directed by Political and Legal Committee of the CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee and Chongqing Civilization Office.

The flower show takes the form of a garden party, in which visitors only need to finish five anti-fraud challenges and download the National Anti-Fraud Center app, and put together the "Anti-Fraud Public Movement" puzzle on Alipay to gain an anti-fraud souvenir. Visitors can also voluntarily register as a "blue vest" volunteer after succeeding in the challenges.
"In this anti-fraud flower show, we posit each participant as the anti-fraud ‘gardener’ who guards the world of flowers. The participant is required to go through five steps, such as sowing, catching insects, weeding and irrigating, in order to make the real Hua (a pun for flowers and words) bloom prosperously and expose the false Hua, thereby creating a wonderful world of flowers without fraud in it. According to Ma Li, the creative designer of Blue Vest Flower Show, the original intention of the design is to teach through entertainment and lead more people to pay attention to the national anti-fraud movement, as well as to encourage visitors to join the movement as ‘blue vest’ anti-fraud volunteers.

This is also the second time that Blue Vest held a large-scale Anti-fraud Show for the elderly in Chongqing after the first one last year. Blue Vest is a public welfare initiative aimed at providing knowledge about anti-fraud and smartphone usage for the elderly and other special groups. Since September 2021, Blue Vest has set out in Chongqing and held 100 anti-fraud public welfare lectures for the elderly in communities, successively in the Yubei District, Yuzhong District, Nan’an District and other districts or counties.

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Here comes the first national anti-fraud flower show!

2022-04-08 09:32:26 来源:

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- To heed the tricks and penetrate the “Mei” (a pun for plum and misfortune), see the fraud and quickly “Tao” (a pun for peach and run), and appreciate the information without casually “Xing” (a pun for apricot blossom and believe)... In order to help more people see through the tricks of fraud and keep away from it, China's first Anti-fraud Flower Show has officially opened in Chongqing Nanshan Botanical Garden.
Set up in Nanshan Botanical Garden, the Chongqing Blue Vest Anti-fraud Flower Show is a commonweal activity sponsored by Chongqing Municipal Public Security Bureau, initiated by Ant Charity Foundation and directed by Political and Legal Committee of the CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee and Chongqing Civilization Office.

The flower show takes the form of a garden party, in which visitors only need to finish five anti-fraud challenges and download the National Anti-Fraud Center app, and put together the "Anti-Fraud Public Movement" puzzle on Alipay to gain an anti-fraud souvenir. Visitors can also voluntarily register as a "blue vest" volunteer after succeeding in the challenges.
"In this anti-fraud flower show, we posit each participant as the anti-fraud ‘gardener’ who guards the world of flowers. The participant is required to go through five steps, such as sowing, catching insects, weeding and irrigating, in order to make the real Hua (a pun for flowers and words) bloom prosperously and expose the false Hua, thereby creating a wonderful world of flowers without fraud in it. According to Ma Li, the creative designer of Blue Vest Flower Show, the original intention of the design is to teach through entertainment and lead more people to pay attention to the national anti-fraud movement, as well as to encourage visitors to join the movement as ‘blue vest’ anti-fraud volunteers.

This is also the second time that Blue Vest held a large-scale Anti-fraud Show for the elderly in Chongqing after the first one last year. Blue Vest is a public welfare initiative aimed at providing knowledge about anti-fraud and smartphone usage for the elderly and other special groups. Since September 2021, Blue Vest has set out in Chongqing and held 100 anti-fraud public welfare lectures for the elderly in communities, successively in the Yubei District, Yuzhong District, Nan’an District and other districts or counties.

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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