Wonderful view hiding in CRT Lianglukou Station
Recently, the topic #a number of giant murals appearing in Lianglukou Station# has been trending in weibo.

Wonderful view hiding in CRT Lianglukou Station


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Recently, the topic #a number of giant murals appearing in Lianglukou Station# has been trending in weibo, and many netizens are attracted to check in there.

The reporter arrived at CRT Lianglukou Station, and walked along the station hall, only to find an embossed mural cultural wall appearing in front of him, which made it possible to unconsciously walk through the “past life” of Chongqing. A total of 10 themed murals form a cultural wall of about 230 square meters. If you look carefully, you will find some landmark buildings of Chongqing, such as Hongyadong and Grand Theater. If you touch them, you can feel the texture of the city. At the entrance No. 4 of the hall, there is the railway cultural and creative space with pink color as the main color, including railway models, stationery, tourism supplies and other cultural and creative products for tourists to take photos.

It is learned that the cultural wall in Lianglukou Station has actually been built for many years, but you may not have paid attention to it when you were in a hurry. The next time you pass by a place with such Chongqing characteristics, please stop and check in.

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Wonderful view hiding in CRT Lianglukou Station

2022-04-25 10:01:42 来源:

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Recently, the topic #a number of giant murals appearing in Lianglukou Station# has been trending in weibo, and many netizens are attracted to check in there.

The reporter arrived at CRT Lianglukou Station, and walked along the station hall, only to find an embossed mural cultural wall appearing in front of him, which made it possible to unconsciously walk through the “past life” of Chongqing. A total of 10 themed murals form a cultural wall of about 230 square meters. If you look carefully, you will find some landmark buildings of Chongqing, such as Hongyadong and Grand Theater. If you touch them, you can feel the texture of the city. At the entrance No. 4 of the hall, there is the railway cultural and creative space with pink color as the main color, including railway models, stationery, tourism supplies and other cultural and creative products for tourists to take photos.

It is learned that the cultural wall in Lianglukou Station has actually been built for many years, but you may not have paid attention to it when you were in a hurry. The next time you pass by a place with such Chongqing characteristics, please stop and check in.

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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