Chongqing Planning Exhibition Gallery officially opened
The relocated Chongqing Planning Exhibition Gallery has been officially opened on April 25.

Chongqing Planning Exhibition Gallery officially opened


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- The reporter learned from Chongqing Planning and Natural Resources Bureau that the relocated Chongqing Planning Exhibition Gallery has been officially opened on April 25, which is located in Danzishi Square, Nan’an District. At present, the reservation channel is open to the public who can make an online real-name reservation through the official WeChat account "Chongqing Planning Exhibition".
Standing in the square in front of the gallery, behind is the gallery whose shape is like the cursive character "Qi". You can overlook the Chaotianmen Square and Chongqing Grand Theatre across the river. It is understood that the new gallery is reconstructed from an unused garage. It is built through parametric design and digital modeling, with its facade composed of irregular curved aluminum panels with large eaves, looking from a distance like the cursive character "Qi", meaning city "rising".
The new gallery has a total floor area of 17,000 square meters, with the area of the exhibition hall of 13,000 square meters, consisting of theme exhibition areas such as "Preface Hall", "Natural Landscape", "Historical and Cultural Cities", "Overall Planning", “Urban Renewal”, "High-quality Development", "High-quality Life" and "Inland Open Highland", "Beautiful Land with Beautiful Mountains and Rivers", "Special Planning", "District and County Planning", etc.
Unlike the former gallery with a single form, the new gallery has a strong "marketplace" flavor of Chongqing when approaching its atrium. The gallery is built in the form of stilted buildings with the unique structure of through type in Chongqing. Dynamic scenes of life with the local elements of Chongqing, such as river views of the mountain city and delicacy can be seen in the window of these buildings, displaying the flavor of life.

In addition, there is a historical panoramic theater with a simulation environment surrounded by "six screens" in the exhibition gallery and a flying theater rotating 180 degrees, etc. There are many highlights and features.
Chongqing Planning Exhibition Gallery has opened an online reservation channel, allowing up to 1200 people to make reservations. So don't forget to make reservations in advance if you want to visit the new gallery.

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Chongqing Planning Exhibition Gallery officially opened

2022-04-28 15:45:23 来源:

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- The reporter learned from Chongqing Planning and Natural Resources Bureau that the relocated Chongqing Planning Exhibition Gallery has been officially opened on April 25, which is located in Danzishi Square, Nan’an District. At present, the reservation channel is open to the public who can make an online real-name reservation through the official WeChat account "Chongqing Planning Exhibition".
Standing in the square in front of the gallery, behind is the gallery whose shape is like the cursive character "Qi". You can overlook the Chaotianmen Square and Chongqing Grand Theatre across the river. It is understood that the new gallery is reconstructed from an unused garage. It is built through parametric design and digital modeling, with its facade composed of irregular curved aluminum panels with large eaves, looking from a distance like the cursive character "Qi", meaning city "rising".
The new gallery has a total floor area of 17,000 square meters, with the area of the exhibition hall of 13,000 square meters, consisting of theme exhibition areas such as "Preface Hall", "Natural Landscape", "Historical and Cultural Cities", "Overall Planning", “Urban Renewal”, "High-quality Development", "High-quality Life" and "Inland Open Highland", "Beautiful Land with Beautiful Mountains and Rivers", "Special Planning", "District and County Planning", etc.
Unlike the former gallery with a single form, the new gallery has a strong "marketplace" flavor of Chongqing when approaching its atrium. The gallery is built in the form of stilted buildings with the unique structure of through type in Chongqing. Dynamic scenes of life with the local elements of Chongqing, such as river views of the mountain city and delicacy can be seen in the window of these buildings, displaying the flavor of life.

In addition, there is a historical panoramic theater with a simulation environment surrounded by "six screens" in the exhibition gallery and a flying theater rotating 180 degrees, etc. There are many highlights and features.
Chongqing Planning Exhibition Gallery has opened an online reservation channel, allowing up to 1200 people to make reservations. So don't forget to make reservations in advance if you want to visit the new gallery.

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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