Chongqing expressways are more beautiful at an amazing rate
It makes the expressway a beautiful landscape.

Chongqing expressways are more beautiful at an amazing rate


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- In early summer, when you are driving through Chongqing expressways, the blossoming Bougainvillea spectabilis will meet your eyes at toll station, service area, interchange and other places. It makes the expressway a beautiful landscape.
It is informed that Chongqing Expressway continues to carry out the improvement of greening landscape. In addition to increasing the varieties of green plants along the line, it also cultivates Photinia fraseri and Hydrangea, so as to ornament the roll station and to create a more comfortable travel environment for drivers and passengers.
In Dingjia nursery stock base, Bishan, workers are busy pruning Bougainvillea spectabilis. “These will be planted in toll stations, service areas and other places.” Xiong Bo, the technical director of Tongli company of Chongqing Express, said that Chongqing Express relied on improvement of the quality of the expressway network, made full use of the idle land around the expressway to build a number of modern nursery stock bases, with a total scale of more than 400 mu.
Xiong Bo said, in the construction of highway greening landscape, they also consider the season and variety as a whole, and reasonably match all kinds of trees, shrubs, grasses and flowers to achieve density and color coordination. At the same time, they also consider the flowering season, and optimize the sequential alternating layout of all kinds of flowering plants. Taking Banan toll station of Chongqing - Hunan Expressway as an example, after improving the landscape quality, now the toll station square is planted with Bougainvillea spectabilis, Jacaranda copaia, Prunus mume Meiren, etc., with scattered colors and natural scenery. In addition to planting common shrubs, the service area will also gradually introduce flowers like Hydrangea, agapanthus and others to further enrich the landscape.

Tongli company of Chongqing Express said that that in the next step, Luyi garden company will accelerate the upgrading and construction of seedling base. It is expected to cultivate more than 1 million seedlings by 2023, so as to further enrich and improve the greening landscape of express network. 

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Chongqing expressways are more beautiful at an amazing rate

2022-05-24 15:59:14 来源:

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- In early summer, when you are driving through Chongqing expressways, the blossoming Bougainvillea spectabilis will meet your eyes at toll station, service area, interchange and other places. It makes the expressway a beautiful landscape.
It is informed that Chongqing Expressway continues to carry out the improvement of greening landscape. In addition to increasing the varieties of green plants along the line, it also cultivates Photinia fraseri and Hydrangea, so as to ornament the roll station and to create a more comfortable travel environment for drivers and passengers.
In Dingjia nursery stock base, Bishan, workers are busy pruning Bougainvillea spectabilis. “These will be planted in toll stations, service areas and other places.” Xiong Bo, the technical director of Tongli company of Chongqing Express, said that Chongqing Express relied on improvement of the quality of the expressway network, made full use of the idle land around the expressway to build a number of modern nursery stock bases, with a total scale of more than 400 mu.
Xiong Bo said, in the construction of highway greening landscape, they also consider the season and variety as a whole, and reasonably match all kinds of trees, shrubs, grasses and flowers to achieve density and color coordination. At the same time, they also consider the flowering season, and optimize the sequential alternating layout of all kinds of flowering plants. Taking Banan toll station of Chongqing - Hunan Expressway as an example, after improving the landscape quality, now the toll station square is planted with Bougainvillea spectabilis, Jacaranda copaia, Prunus mume Meiren, etc., with scattered colors and natural scenery. In addition to planting common shrubs, the service area will also gradually introduce flowers like Hydrangea, agapanthus and others to further enrich the landscape.

Tongli company of Chongqing Express said that that in the next step, Luyi garden company will accelerate the upgrading and construction of seedling base. It is expected to cultivate more than 1 million seedlings by 2023, so as to further enrich and improve the greening landscape of express network. 

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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