Students from an elementary school in Chongqing make spicy noodles in labor class
Students experienced the whole process of making handmade Chongqing noodles.

Students from an elementary school in Chongqing make spicy noodles in labor class


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- The students were busy mixing dough, kneading them and finally pressing them into noodles... Recently, in the labor class of the second grade of Chongguang Elementary School in Liangjiang New Area, the students experienced the whole process of making handmade Chongqing noodles, and enjoyed Chongqing noodles which were flavoured by themselves.

"It's delicious because we made it ourselves!" "It's delicious because I added my favorite vinegar." "It's a little pungent since I’ve added too much pepper." "I'm so happy and I'll make it for mom and dad after I learn it!" Tasting the delicious food made by themselves, the students praised each other.

According to the person in charge of the school, in recent years, Chongguang Elementary School has initiated the course named "Guang noodles", which includes the application for opening a shop, preparation for starting a business and officially running a business and other processes. Through social practice, the school hopes to provoke the thought of students and also urge them to comprehensively use various knowledge and experience to solve problems.

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Students from an elementary school in Chongqing make spicy noodles in labor class

2022-05-31 14:49:36 来源:

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- The students were busy mixing dough, kneading them and finally pressing them into noodles... Recently, in the labor class of the second grade of Chongguang Elementary School in Liangjiang New Area, the students experienced the whole process of making handmade Chongqing noodles, and enjoyed Chongqing noodles which were flavoured by themselves.

"It's delicious because we made it ourselves!" "It's delicious because I added my favorite vinegar." "It's a little pungent since I’ve added too much pepper." "I'm so happy and I'll make it for mom and dad after I learn it!" Tasting the delicious food made by themselves, the students praised each other.

According to the person in charge of the school, in recent years, Chongguang Elementary School has initiated the course named "Guang noodles", which includes the application for opening a shop, preparation for starting a business and officially running a business and other processes. Through social practice, the school hopes to provoke the thought of students and also urge them to comprehensively use various knowledge and experience to solve problems.

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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