Three ingenious new high-speed rail stations
The countdown to the opening of the Zhengzhou-Chongqing high-speed railway has begun.

Three ingenious new high-speed rail stations


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- The countdown to the opening of the Zhengzhou-Chongqing high-speed railway has begun. The reporter recently learned that the three high-speed railway stations with different styles, good looks and meanings built by China Railway No.8 Engineering Group Co., Ltd. – Fengjie Station, Yunyang Station, and Wushan Station are all ready to open.

"The scenery of Three Gorges is beautiful. These three stations are located by the Yangtze River. The design fully reflects the concept of station-city integration and one scene for one station." According to the relevant person in charge, three new stations in Fengjie, Yunyang and Wushan of Chongqing section of Zhengzhou-Chongqing high-speed railway are all located in the hinterland of Three Gorges Reservoir Area in Chongqing, with a construction area of 12,000 square meters. They are medium-sized railway passenger stations.

The three unique boutique station buildings combine the modern railway station standard with the local characteristic culture along the line. One scene for one station, the integration of station and city makes them like three dazzling "pearls" inlaid on the railway line, becoming a beautiful scenery.

Fengjie Station - "Phoenix leaves Kuimen, orange fragrance surrounds poetry city"

"Fengjie Station is located on the west side of the new city in the west of Zhuyi Town, Fengjie County, Chongqing Municipality. The station building is in the form of low-lying. The scale of the station is 2 platforms and 6 lines. The planned peak passenger flow can meet 1,000 passengers per hour." According to Su Hongfei, Deputy Manager of Zhengzhou-Chongqing High-Speed Railway Station Building Project Department of China Railway No.8 Engineering Group Co., Ltd., the canopy area of the station building is about 10,600 square meters, and fair-faced concrete technology is used during the construction, which has become a highlight in the construction of the station building on this line. It shows the most advanced inner texture beauty without any decoration and carving, and perfectly retains the natural color and texture of the building itself.

The overall design of the station building is based on the theme of "Phoenix leaves Kuimen, orange fragrance surrounds Poetry City". The two sides of the building are like twin peaks facing in Kuimen, and the soaring lines in the middle signify the phoenix flying out of the Kuimen.
At the same time, the entire building resembles an open scroll, in line with Fengjie's reputation as the "poetry city". The waiting hall uses single-curved and double-curved aluminum veneers and aluminum slats alternately, implying the theme image of "Kuimen, landscape, skiff", while the cultural wall between the station building and the platform is marked with "the mountains, the water, the scenery, the poetry, the oranges, the distant places". Through the combination of poetry, oranges, scenery and people, it fully demonstrates Fengjie's profound historical and cultural heritage, magnificent natural landscape and broad prospects of "ecological priority and green development".

Yunyang Station - "Plowing and reading between clouds and waters, the city of climbing ladders showing its new face"

"Yunyang Station is located in Huangshi Town, Yunyang County. The scale of the station is 2 platforms and 4 lines, and in form of low-lying." Deputy Manager Su Hongfei introduced, the overall design of its appearance draws on the famous local landscape climbing ladder and the farming and reading cultural tradition of "cultivating to afford reading, diligent farming to build a family", with smooth and layered lines, expounding the theme of "Plowing and reading between clouds and waters, the city of climbing ladders showing its new face".
The station building also integrates the pane elements of Zhangfei Temple into the ceiling plan of the waiting hall, which is separated by panes and like ladders rising step by step, symbolizing the urban spirit of the people of Yunyang to climb the peak.
Wushan Station - "Clouds surround grotesque peak, fog locks slack water"

"Wushan Station is located in Guihua Village, Wushan County, Chongqing Municipality. The station building is under the railway." Ren Huan, Deputy Manager of Zhengzhou-Chongqing High-Speed Railway Station Building Project Department of China Railway No.8 Engineering Group Co., Ltd., introduced, the appearance of the station building is based on the meaning of "witch", combined with the construction form of local regional buildings. The integration of shape and material shows the scene of city on mountaintop surrounding by clouds in Wushan.
The theme wall of the waiting hall uses a combination of layered decorative techniques and linear light sources, supplemented by a grille shape, to present the dreamy scene of Wushan "Clouds surround grotesque peak, fog locks slack water" in a more three-dimensional way. At the same time, "mountains, waters, clouds and rain" are subtly transformed into simple strokes, and embedded in the tuyere by permutation and combination, showing the ethereal and mysterious beauty to the best of their ability.

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Three ingenious new high-speed rail stations

2022-06-13 09:34:29 来源:

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- The countdown to the opening of the Zhengzhou-Chongqing high-speed railway has begun. The reporter recently learned that the three high-speed railway stations with different styles, good looks and meanings built by China Railway No.8 Engineering Group Co., Ltd. – Fengjie Station, Yunyang Station, and Wushan Station are all ready to open.

"The scenery of Three Gorges is beautiful. These three stations are located by the Yangtze River. The design fully reflects the concept of station-city integration and one scene for one station." According to the relevant person in charge, three new stations in Fengjie, Yunyang and Wushan of Chongqing section of Zhengzhou-Chongqing high-speed railway are all located in the hinterland of Three Gorges Reservoir Area in Chongqing, with a construction area of 12,000 square meters. They are medium-sized railway passenger stations.

The three unique boutique station buildings combine the modern railway station standard with the local characteristic culture along the line. One scene for one station, the integration of station and city makes them like three dazzling "pearls" inlaid on the railway line, becoming a beautiful scenery.

Fengjie Station - "Phoenix leaves Kuimen, orange fragrance surrounds poetry city"

"Fengjie Station is located on the west side of the new city in the west of Zhuyi Town, Fengjie County, Chongqing Municipality. The station building is in the form of low-lying. The scale of the station is 2 platforms and 6 lines. The planned peak passenger flow can meet 1,000 passengers per hour." According to Su Hongfei, Deputy Manager of Zhengzhou-Chongqing High-Speed Railway Station Building Project Department of China Railway No.8 Engineering Group Co., Ltd., the canopy area of the station building is about 10,600 square meters, and fair-faced concrete technology is used during the construction, which has become a highlight in the construction of the station building on this line. It shows the most advanced inner texture beauty without any decoration and carving, and perfectly retains the natural color and texture of the building itself.

The overall design of the station building is based on the theme of "Phoenix leaves Kuimen, orange fragrance surrounds Poetry City". The two sides of the building are like twin peaks facing in Kuimen, and the soaring lines in the middle signify the phoenix flying out of the Kuimen.
At the same time, the entire building resembles an open scroll, in line with Fengjie's reputation as the "poetry city". The waiting hall uses single-curved and double-curved aluminum veneers and aluminum slats alternately, implying the theme image of "Kuimen, landscape, skiff", while the cultural wall between the station building and the platform is marked with "the mountains, the water, the scenery, the poetry, the oranges, the distant places". Through the combination of poetry, oranges, scenery and people, it fully demonstrates Fengjie's profound historical and cultural heritage, magnificent natural landscape and broad prospects of "ecological priority and green development".

Yunyang Station - "Plowing and reading between clouds and waters, the city of climbing ladders showing its new face"

"Yunyang Station is located in Huangshi Town, Yunyang County. The scale of the station is 2 platforms and 4 lines, and in form of low-lying." Deputy Manager Su Hongfei introduced, the overall design of its appearance draws on the famous local landscape climbing ladder and the farming and reading cultural tradition of "cultivating to afford reading, diligent farming to build a family", with smooth and layered lines, expounding the theme of "Plowing and reading between clouds and waters, the city of climbing ladders showing its new face".
The station building also integrates the pane elements of Zhangfei Temple into the ceiling plan of the waiting hall, which is separated by panes and like ladders rising step by step, symbolizing the urban spirit of the people of Yunyang to climb the peak.
Wushan Station - "Clouds surround grotesque peak, fog locks slack water"

"Wushan Station is located in Guihua Village, Wushan County, Chongqing Municipality. The station building is under the railway." Ren Huan, Deputy Manager of Zhengzhou-Chongqing High-Speed Railway Station Building Project Department of China Railway No.8 Engineering Group Co., Ltd., introduced, the appearance of the station building is based on the meaning of "witch", combined with the construction form of local regional buildings. The integration of shape and material shows the scene of city on mountaintop surrounding by clouds in Wushan.
The theme wall of the waiting hall uses a combination of layered decorative techniques and linear light sources, supplemented by a grille shape, to present the dreamy scene of Wushan "Clouds surround grotesque peak, fog locks slack water" in a more three-dimensional way. At the same time, "mountains, waters, clouds and rain" are subtly transformed into simple strokes, and embedded in the tuyere by permutation and combination, showing the ethereal and mysterious beauty to the best of their ability.

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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