600 drones lighting up the night sky of Chongqing
The sky over Nanbin Road was lit up with "stars" in a gorgeous display.

600 drones lighting up the night sky of Chongqing


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- On the evening of June 13, the sky over Nanbin Road was lit up with "stars" in a gorgeous display. 600 drones showed elements of cultural tourism of Nan’an with creative flight shows, marking the beginning of 2022 Consumption Season of Cultural Tourism Benefiting the People in Nan’an District.
At 8:30 p.m., 600 drones appeared over Haitang Yanyu Park at the same time, by using lighting and shadowing technologies such as light scenery, creative lights and holographic 3D and constantly changing formations and colors to present Nan’an landmarks such as the Great Golden Eagle Sculpture, Yangtze River Ropeway and Guangyang Island and propaganda words such as "Scenery starting from Nan’an" in the night sky, which was breathtaking.
Nanbin Road is famous for its night economy, which is most active in summer. The relevant responsible person of Nan’an District Cultural Tourism Committee said that this 2022 Consumption Season of Cultural Tourism Benefiting the People in Nan’an District took the drone light show as a starting point, showcasing and promoting the beauty of Nan’an landmarks while building a new investment platform to attract richer business forms. In addition to the drone light show, the promotion of cultural tourism projects and products in the districts and counties will also be important parts of the Consumption Season. The person in charge said that it is hoped that people’s sense of fulfillment, happiness and satisfaction would be improved through "cultural tourism + science and technology" and "cultural tourism + art", so as to drive local consumption and boost the economy. 

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600 drones lighting up the night sky of Chongqing

2022-06-16 15:49:40 来源:

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- On the evening of June 13, the sky over Nanbin Road was lit up with "stars" in a gorgeous display. 600 drones showed elements of cultural tourism of Nan’an with creative flight shows, marking the beginning of 2022 Consumption Season of Cultural Tourism Benefiting the People in Nan’an District.
At 8:30 p.m., 600 drones appeared over Haitang Yanyu Park at the same time, by using lighting and shadowing technologies such as light scenery, creative lights and holographic 3D and constantly changing formations and colors to present Nan’an landmarks such as the Great Golden Eagle Sculpture, Yangtze River Ropeway and Guangyang Island and propaganda words such as "Scenery starting from Nan’an" in the night sky, which was breathtaking.
Nanbin Road is famous for its night economy, which is most active in summer. The relevant responsible person of Nan’an District Cultural Tourism Committee said that this 2022 Consumption Season of Cultural Tourism Benefiting the People in Nan’an District took the drone light show as a starting point, showcasing and promoting the beauty of Nan’an landmarks while building a new investment platform to attract richer business forms. In addition to the drone light show, the promotion of cultural tourism projects and products in the districts and counties will also be important parts of the Consumption Season. The person in charge said that it is hoped that people’s sense of fulfillment, happiness and satisfaction would be improved through "cultural tourism + science and technology" and "cultural tourism + art", so as to drive local consumption and boost the economy. 

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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