200,000 cannas are in full bloom in Caiyun Lake
During this time, 200,000 cannas are blooming very lively in Caiyun Lake Park in Jiulongpo District.

200,000 cannas are in full bloom in Caiyun Lake


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- During this time, 200,000 cannas are blooming very lively in Caiyun Lake Park in Jiulongpo District. The green leaves and flowers of pink and yellow are flashing, the yellow ones like gold, the red ones like fire, and the pink ones like rosy clouds, blooming into an intoxicating sea of flowers, attracting citizens to take pictures.

The blooming period of cannas is around June to October, and citizens can arrange their own time to take pictures and play.

The recommended route for watching flowers, taking pictures and playing in Caiyun Lake Park can be taken around the lake: Shanlin Yanyu – Wind and Rain Covered Bridge – Qingzhou Xilan – Peach Blossom Poetry Gallery – Peach Blossom Peninsula – Yunshang Gallery –Cheshui Huange – Yueying Bridge – Diexi Covered Bridge – Daihu Zaiwang – Yunhu Shuangqiao, the journey is about 40 minutes. 

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200,000 cannas are in full bloom in Caiyun Lake

2022-06-22 10:00:25 来源:

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- During this time, 200,000 cannas are blooming very lively in Caiyun Lake Park in Jiulongpo District. The green leaves and flowers of pink and yellow are flashing, the yellow ones like gold, the red ones like fire, and the pink ones like rosy clouds, blooming into an intoxicating sea of flowers, attracting citizens to take pictures.

The blooming period of cannas is around June to October, and citizens can arrange their own time to take pictures and play.

The recommended route for watching flowers, taking pictures and playing in Caiyun Lake Park can be taken around the lake: Shanlin Yanyu – Wind and Rain Covered Bridge – Qingzhou Xilan – Peach Blossom Poetry Gallery – Peach Blossom Peninsula – Yunshang Gallery –Cheshui Huange – Yueying Bridge – Diexi Covered Bridge – Daihu Zaiwang – Yunhu Shuangqiao, the journey is about 40 minutes. 

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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