
West China

China's Qinghai increases compensation for deaths caused by wildlife

2022-07-05 15:32:24

XINING, July 4 (Xinhua) -- Northwest China's Qinghai Province has raised the compensation standard for human deaths caused by terrestrial wildlife to 600,000 yuan (about 89,700 U.S. dollars), nearly three times higher than the previous standard, local authorities said on Monday.

The province has also set a maximum compensation limit of 300,000 yuan per household for losses to production and living facilities caused by terrestrial wild animals, according to a press conference held by the provincial forestry and grassland bureau.

The standard was launched on May 15 as part of a pilot compensation plan for loss of life and property caused by terrestrial wildlife in Qinghai, with a pilot period of three years, said the bureau.

Located on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the province boasts rich biodiversity. In recent years, with the implementation of various ecological construction and restoration projects, the population of wild animals has shown a trend of steady growth, and the number of injuries caused by wild animals has also been on the rise.

"In the past decade, Qinghai has accepted more than 7,000 cases involving compensation for losses caused by wildlife, with over 44 million yuan in compensation at the provincial, prefecture and county levels," said Zhang Yu, head of the bureau's wildlife protection department.

"After more than 10 years of efforts, the compensation work in Qinghai has gradually entered a track of regular management," said Wang En'guang, deputy head of the bureau. 

Editor:Jiang Yiwei