The first “Wushan plum flight” takes off
Wushan is home to plums and enjoys a high reputation in China.

The first “Wushan plum flight” takes off


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- At 22:00 on the 2nd, the all-cargo Boeing B737 of China Postal Airlines loaded with Wushan’s plums took off from Wushan Airport to Nanjing, which marks the official launch of the first all-cargo charter air route opened by Chongqing Wushan Airport as well as the outset of the transportation of Wushan Airport’s "plum flight of the first season" in 2022.
Wushan is home to plums and enjoys a high reputation in China. The plums in Wushan are not only famous fruits in China but also the “golden fruits” that can help the farmers get rid of poverty and become better off. At the end of June every year, Wushan ushers in the peak season of selling plums. For a long time, due to the inconvenience of transportation, Wushan’s plums have been “unknown to people since they are secluded in remote mountains”. Thus, the economic values of Wushan’s plums are limited by its small amount of sales volume.

In order to break through the bottleneck of transportation tension in the peak season of receiving and dispatching Wushan’s plums, Wushan County, Wushan Airport and China Postal Airlines have launched the project of transporting "Wushan plums" directly from Wushan, the plums’ place of origin, and introduced the plums freight charter of China Postal Airlines for the first time. That was how they can achieve the “last-kilometer” transportation for Wushan’s plums.
During the whole peak season, there will be a plums charter departing every day and it is expected to depart 15 flights in total. It is the Boeing B737 that will carry plums from Wushan to Nanjing – an airplane with a maximum capacity of 18 tons equivalent to 7,000 boxes of Wushan’s plums.

This is the first cargo charter route opened by Chongqing Wushan airport, and also the first all-cargo transport route in Chongqing that is specially designed for high-quality fruits of origin.
Wushan Airport, known as “the airport high in the clouds”, is a vital aviation infrastructure in Chongqing’s inland open highland, supporting the commercial trades in Northeast Chongqing. Since its opening in August 2019, Wushan Airport has opened a total of 10 routes to Hangzhou, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Yantai, Kunming, Chongqing and other cities, which not only provide convenient access for passengers in Wushan and the hinterland of the reservoir area to travel across the country, but also offer an accessible channel for the outward transportation of more Wushan’s high-quality and characteristic agricultural products.

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The first “Wushan plum flight” takes off

2022-07-07 14:58:54 来源:

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- At 22:00 on the 2nd, the all-cargo Boeing B737 of China Postal Airlines loaded with Wushan’s plums took off from Wushan Airport to Nanjing, which marks the official launch of the first all-cargo charter air route opened by Chongqing Wushan Airport as well as the outset of the transportation of Wushan Airport’s "plum flight of the first season" in 2022.
Wushan is home to plums and enjoys a high reputation in China. The plums in Wushan are not only famous fruits in China but also the “golden fruits” that can help the farmers get rid of poverty and become better off. At the end of June every year, Wushan ushers in the peak season of selling plums. For a long time, due to the inconvenience of transportation, Wushan’s plums have been “unknown to people since they are secluded in remote mountains”. Thus, the economic values of Wushan’s plums are limited by its small amount of sales volume.

In order to break through the bottleneck of transportation tension in the peak season of receiving and dispatching Wushan’s plums, Wushan County, Wushan Airport and China Postal Airlines have launched the project of transporting "Wushan plums" directly from Wushan, the plums’ place of origin, and introduced the plums freight charter of China Postal Airlines for the first time. That was how they can achieve the “last-kilometer” transportation for Wushan’s plums.
During the whole peak season, there will be a plums charter departing every day and it is expected to depart 15 flights in total. It is the Boeing B737 that will carry plums from Wushan to Nanjing – an airplane with a maximum capacity of 18 tons equivalent to 7,000 boxes of Wushan’s plums.

This is the first cargo charter route opened by Chongqing Wushan airport, and also the first all-cargo transport route in Chongqing that is specially designed for high-quality fruits of origin.
Wushan Airport, known as “the airport high in the clouds”, is a vital aviation infrastructure in Chongqing’s inland open highland, supporting the commercial trades in Northeast Chongqing. Since its opening in August 2019, Wushan Airport has opened a total of 10 routes to Hangzhou, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Yantai, Kunming, Chongqing and other cities, which not only provide convenient access for passengers in Wushan and the hinterland of the reservoir area to travel across the country, but also offer an accessible channel for the outward transportation of more Wushan’s high-quality and characteristic agricultural products.

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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