Animals in Chongqing Zoo have "cooling recipes" to escape from the heat
In the hot summer, how will the little cuties in the zoo escape from the heat?

Animals in Chongqing Zoo have "cooling recipes" to escape from the heat


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- In the hot summer, how will the little cuties in the zoo escape from the heat? The reporter recently learned from the Chongqing Zoo that in order to let animals have a refreshing and comfortable summer, the zoo has equipped them with various "artifacts to escape from summer heat": blowing air conditioners, playing with ice cubes, and eating watermelons, which become the standard configuration for animals to feel cool and comfortable in the summer.
At 9 o'clock in the morning, in the panda house, the breeder has prepared a large pot of watermelon and placed it at the "door" of pandas "Shuangshuang" “Chongchong” “Xixi” “Qingqing”. The four pandas had eaten up the watermelon in a short while.
According to Tang Jiagui, section chief of the Animal Management Department of Chongqing Zoo, in the summer, the zoo not only adds mung beans, watermelons, cucumbers and other items with functions of clearing away summer heat to the animal feed, but also makes fruit "ice cubes" to increase the coolness of the feed for animals. Taking watermelon as an example, the animals in the park consume about 1,000 kilograms per day.
In addition to ice bricks, the zoo has also added facilities and equipment such as showers and shade nets to implement physical cooling of the environment. In the panda house, a new spray facility was installed. The giant pandas hid in the "rainwater" created by the spray facility to cool off, and were reluctant to come out; the gorillas held the ice cubes prepared by the zoo staff and felt a little cool; In the big pool of Tiger Mountain, Tiger Meimei takes a cold bath.
In order to prevent animals from being exposed to direct sunlight, the zoo will also give the cute animals a "high temperature holiday" during the high temperature in summer. "Now animals are generally willing to come out to play at 8:00 to 9:00 in the morning. After the temperature rises, they like to stay at home and enjoy the air conditioner." Tang Jiagui suggested that during the summer, citizens who want to see animals should choose to enter the zoo in the morning as much as possible.

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Animals in Chongqing Zoo have "cooling recipes" to escape from the heat

2022-07-18 14:57:31 来源:

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- In the hot summer, how will the little cuties in the zoo escape from the heat? The reporter recently learned from the Chongqing Zoo that in order to let animals have a refreshing and comfortable summer, the zoo has equipped them with various "artifacts to escape from summer heat": blowing air conditioners, playing with ice cubes, and eating watermelons, which become the standard configuration for animals to feel cool and comfortable in the summer.
At 9 o'clock in the morning, in the panda house, the breeder has prepared a large pot of watermelon and placed it at the "door" of pandas "Shuangshuang" “Chongchong” “Xixi” “Qingqing”. The four pandas had eaten up the watermelon in a short while.
According to Tang Jiagui, section chief of the Animal Management Department of Chongqing Zoo, in the summer, the zoo not only adds mung beans, watermelons, cucumbers and other items with functions of clearing away summer heat to the animal feed, but also makes fruit "ice cubes" to increase the coolness of the feed for animals. Taking watermelon as an example, the animals in the park consume about 1,000 kilograms per day.
In addition to ice bricks, the zoo has also added facilities and equipment such as showers and shade nets to implement physical cooling of the environment. In the panda house, a new spray facility was installed. The giant pandas hid in the "rainwater" created by the spray facility to cool off, and were reluctant to come out; the gorillas held the ice cubes prepared by the zoo staff and felt a little cool; In the big pool of Tiger Mountain, Tiger Meimei takes a cold bath.
In order to prevent animals from being exposed to direct sunlight, the zoo will also give the cute animals a "high temperature holiday" during the high temperature in summer. "Now animals are generally willing to come out to play at 8:00 to 9:00 in the morning. After the temperature rises, they like to stay at home and enjoy the air conditioner." Tang Jiagui suggested that during the summer, citizens who want to see animals should choose to enter the zoo in the morning as much as possible.

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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