Citizens send water in hot summer
Two young men arrived at the gate of Chongqing Bishan District Qinggang fire fighting and rescue station.

Citizens send water in hot summer


"Sir! Sir!”

"Is this your water?"

"We cannot take this!"

Two young men arrived at the gate of Chongqing Bishan District Qinggang fire fighting and rescue station on July 14th at 9:32 a.m and put down a carton of water and a box of plums quickly and left. When seeing this, the firefighters on sentry duty got out to have a check.

Plums and water sent by citizens. (Photo provided by Bishan District Fire Fighting and Rescue)
Plums and water sent by citizens. (Photo provided by Bishan District Fire Fighting and Rescue)
After finding it is sent by citizens for relieving summer-heat, firefighters shouted out and asked the two young men to stop, showing that they cannot take it. Unexpectedly, they quickly ran away and said with smile: “it is too hot and you should drink more water to avoid the summer heat. It’s just a little gift.”

Coincidentally, at 1:04 p.m on the same day, a child accompanied by his parent also arrived at the gate of Qinggang fire fighting and rescue station. His parent quickly took down three cartons of water and a watermelon off the car and then drove away.

The firefighter ran out of the sentry box to chase the car but it’s too late. The firefighter found a letter in the water carton gap. The words in the letter are childish but clean and neat, showing earnestness of the writer.

Firefighters are deeply touched by the love from the two gifts sent by citizens within one day. They show deep sense of gratitude to citizens’ care and comfort and express that going through the fire and water and serving the people are their responsibility and duty. They also hope that in the high temperature weather, citizens can participate in the prevention of disasters to keep people safe together. 

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Citizens send water in hot summer

2022-07-22 10:21:47 来源:

"Sir! Sir!”

"Is this your water?"

"We cannot take this!"

Two young men arrived at the gate of Chongqing Bishan District Qinggang fire fighting and rescue station on July 14th at 9:32 a.m and put down a carton of water and a box of plums quickly and left. When seeing this, the firefighters on sentry duty got out to have a check.

Plums and water sent by citizens. (Photo provided by Bishan District Fire Fighting and Rescue)
Plums and water sent by citizens. (Photo provided by Bishan District Fire Fighting and Rescue)
After finding it is sent by citizens for relieving summer-heat, firefighters shouted out and asked the two young men to stop, showing that they cannot take it. Unexpectedly, they quickly ran away and said with smile: “it is too hot and you should drink more water to avoid the summer heat. It’s just a little gift.”

Coincidentally, at 1:04 p.m on the same day, a child accompanied by his parent also arrived at the gate of Qinggang fire fighting and rescue station. His parent quickly took down three cartons of water and a watermelon off the car and then drove away.

The firefighter ran out of the sentry box to chase the car but it’s too late. The firefighter found a letter in the water carton gap. The words in the letter are childish but clean and neat, showing earnestness of the writer.

Firefighters are deeply touched by the love from the two gifts sent by citizens within one day. They show deep sense of gratitude to citizens’ care and comfort and express that going through the fire and water and serving the people are their responsibility and duty. They also hope that in the high temperature weather, citizens can participate in the prevention of disasters to keep people safe together. 

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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