China opens its first “4D landscape” highway tunnel
Situated in Chengkou-Kaizhou Highway, Chengkai Tunnel is about 11.5km long, making it the longest highway tunnel in Chongqing.

China opens its first “4D landscape” highway tunnel


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- With bridges overhead and tunnels passing through the mountains, the traffic network not only brings easy access to transport but also makes for a unique sight in Chongqing.

In Chengkai Tunnel in Chongqing, you can enjoy the ever-changing beautiful scenery alongside and the clear blue sky with clouds floating overhead.

Situated in Chengkou-Kaizhou Highway, Chengkai Tunnel is about 11.5km long, making it the longest highway tunnel in Chongqing.
Recently, Chengkai Tunnel, the extraordinarily long tunnel in Chengkou-Kaizhou Highway has been open to traffic, and the hand-painted landscapes on the tunnel walls made their first appearance. This is the first highway tunnel with hand-painted wall paintings, as well as the first highway tunnel with a “4D landscape” in China.

Four sections of landscape drawing are painted in both sides of the tunnel walls to present a beautiful scene of seasonal changes in Chengkou and Kaizhou.

The wall paintings of a mountain filled with booming cole flowers in spring, the Hanfeng Lake in summer, and snowy mountains in winter have been completed, so now drivers can enjoy the beautiful scenery presented in Chengkai Tunnel. The drawing of colorful autumn scenes is expected to finish by the end of this year, according to Yang Hangzhuo, the director of Landscape and Architectural Design Academy at China Merchants Chongqing Communications Technology Research & Design Institute Co., Ltd. that is responsible for the landscape design and implementation.
With gradations of light and shade, the mountain-shaped 3D foreground and the birds’ sounds simulated by the pre-existed audio equipment will integrate with the wall paintings to create a 4D landscape. That’s why we call Chengkai Tunnel the first “4D landscape” highway tunnel in China.

The purpose of the artistic design is to help drivers relieve their visual fatigue when they are driving in such a long highway tunnel. For safety's sake, please do not stop for a photo shoot on the highway.

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China opens its first “4D landscape” highway tunnel

2022-08-05 09:12:38 来源:

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- With bridges overhead and tunnels passing through the mountains, the traffic network not only brings easy access to transport but also makes for a unique sight in Chongqing.

In Chengkai Tunnel in Chongqing, you can enjoy the ever-changing beautiful scenery alongside and the clear blue sky with clouds floating overhead.

Situated in Chengkou-Kaizhou Highway, Chengkai Tunnel is about 11.5km long, making it the longest highway tunnel in Chongqing.
Recently, Chengkai Tunnel, the extraordinarily long tunnel in Chengkou-Kaizhou Highway has been open to traffic, and the hand-painted landscapes on the tunnel walls made their first appearance. This is the first highway tunnel with hand-painted wall paintings, as well as the first highway tunnel with a “4D landscape” in China.

Four sections of landscape drawing are painted in both sides of the tunnel walls to present a beautiful scene of seasonal changes in Chengkou and Kaizhou.

The wall paintings of a mountain filled with booming cole flowers in spring, the Hanfeng Lake in summer, and snowy mountains in winter have been completed, so now drivers can enjoy the beautiful scenery presented in Chengkai Tunnel. The drawing of colorful autumn scenes is expected to finish by the end of this year, according to Yang Hangzhuo, the director of Landscape and Architectural Design Academy at China Merchants Chongqing Communications Technology Research & Design Institute Co., Ltd. that is responsible for the landscape design and implementation.
With gradations of light and shade, the mountain-shaped 3D foreground and the birds’ sounds simulated by the pre-existed audio equipment will integrate with the wall paintings to create a 4D landscape. That’s why we call Chengkai Tunnel the first “4D landscape” highway tunnel in China.

The purpose of the artistic design is to help drivers relieve their visual fatigue when they are driving in such a long highway tunnel. For safety's sake, please do not stop for a photo shoot on the highway.

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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