An octogenarian’s 100-meter painting on walls makes for a startling sight
“I paint for neither money nor reputation.”

An octogenarian’s 100-meter painting on walls makes for a startling sight


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- “I paint for neither money nor reputation,” said Pei Xuelong, an 86-year-old man who has recently been very popular online. He lives in the Baijiayuan community in Jiansheng Town, Dadukou District. Seeing that the walls were dilapidated and unsightly, and driven by his great passion for painting, he started to draw beautiful sceneries on the walls of the community in the company of his wife every day.

Regarding his creations, Pei Xuelong told the reporters that he was drawing whatever came to his mind, and he was mainly inspired by what he had seen and heard, and his love for the picturesque views of the rivers and valleys of our motherland. At the scene, the reporter can see how his paintings offer a subtle blend of nature and modern facilities, with the elements like Ficus virens, tunnels, bridges, etc. Many residents passing by would greet him warmly.

In the beginning, some people disapproved of his painting on walls and sneered at him, "Do you have way too much time on your hands? What are you up to now?” They also complained to the community.
After communicating with the community and property management, Pei Xuelong was allowed to continue painting on walls. Now, his landscape painting of over one hundred meters long has made for a startling sight in the community.

It is known that Pei Xuelong was a teacher before retiring. Because he loves to paint, his house is filled with his works of art: traditional Chinese paintings, pen paintings, and Chinese ink and wash paintings. His wife Zhang Qixiao said cheerfully, "I stand by him. I’m happy to buy paints and work as an assistant for him." She added that it not only helps beautify the living environment but also exercises her body. 

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An octogenarian’s 100-meter painting on walls makes for a startling sight

2022-08-08 16:15:27 来源:

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- “I paint for neither money nor reputation,” said Pei Xuelong, an 86-year-old man who has recently been very popular online. He lives in the Baijiayuan community in Jiansheng Town, Dadukou District. Seeing that the walls were dilapidated and unsightly, and driven by his great passion for painting, he started to draw beautiful sceneries on the walls of the community in the company of his wife every day.

Regarding his creations, Pei Xuelong told the reporters that he was drawing whatever came to his mind, and he was mainly inspired by what he had seen and heard, and his love for the picturesque views of the rivers and valleys of our motherland. At the scene, the reporter can see how his paintings offer a subtle blend of nature and modern facilities, with the elements like Ficus virens, tunnels, bridges, etc. Many residents passing by would greet him warmly.

In the beginning, some people disapproved of his painting on walls and sneered at him, "Do you have way too much time on your hands? What are you up to now?” They also complained to the community.
After communicating with the community and property management, Pei Xuelong was allowed to continue painting on walls. Now, his landscape painting of over one hundred meters long has made for a startling sight in the community.

It is known that Pei Xuelong was a teacher before retiring. Because he loves to paint, his house is filled with his works of art: traditional Chinese paintings, pen paintings, and Chinese ink and wash paintings. His wife Zhang Qixiao said cheerfully, "I stand by him. I’m happy to buy paints and work as an assistant for him." She added that it not only helps beautify the living environment but also exercises her body. 

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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