Boy in Chongqing wows millions of netizens by playing the erhu
A boy in black with medium-length hair, was playing the erhu.

Boy in Chongqing wows millions of netizens by playing the erhu


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- The melodious sounds of an erhu was heard in the room, where a boy in black with medium-length hair, was playing the erhu (a two-stringed bowed musical instrument), and immersed himself in the world of music with his eyes tightly closed. The boy is Zhou Zijun from Chongqing, who has recently been one of the most searched topics on Weibo because of his playing the erhu. Some netizens commented that there is an air of “loneliness and detachment” about him, some fall in love with the traditional Chinese musical instruments because of him, and some called him a “Severus Snape” who can play the erhu.

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Boy in Chongqing wows millions of netizens by playing the erhu

2022-09-09 10:05:57 来源:

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- The melodious sounds of an erhu was heard in the room, where a boy in black with medium-length hair, was playing the erhu (a two-stringed bowed musical instrument), and immersed himself in the world of music with his eyes tightly closed. The boy is Zhou Zijun from Chongqing, who has recently been one of the most searched topics on Weibo because of his playing the erhu. Some netizens commented that there is an air of “loneliness and detachment” about him, some fall in love with the traditional Chinese musical instruments because of him, and some called him a “Severus Snape” who can play the erhu.

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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