A big bird “in trouble”flying to people’s house
“Police station? A big bird flew to our house. It seems to be ‘in trouble’.”

A big bird “in trouble”flying to people’s house


CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- “Police station? A big bird flew to our house. It seems to be ‘in trouble’.” In the evening of September 3, the police from Huayan Police Station of Jiulongpo Sub-bureau of Chongqing Public Security Bureau, received a call from the local resident Ms. Guo, who said that a large bird suspected eagle had suddenly flew into her house, and it seemed the bird wanted to stay. She didn’t know what to do but to ask the police for help.

After receiving the call, the police rushed to Ms. Guo’s house and found the big bird in good physical condition. There are many small birds raised in cages at the balcony of Ms. Guo’s house. Ms. Guo said the big bird should be hungry so that it flew here to peck the little birds when it heard the sounds of the birds. But unfortunately, it “got trouble” and could not leave.
After learning the situation, the police asked Ms. Guo's for a free bird cage, and put the big bird into it. They carried the bird back to the police station, and contacted Chongqing Zoo for professional assistance.

In the police station, the police fed the bird on uncooked meat from the canteen and water to avoid starving it.

In no time, the zoo staff arrived at the police station and recognized the big bird as crested goshawk, the national second-class protected wildlife. The staff introduced that the crested goshawk is a medium-sized bird of prey living in lowland forests of the south central and southwest areas in China. They are perceptive, good at hiding, and often hiding themselves in the foliage.

Eventually, the zoo staff took the crested goshawk away, and planned to set it free after it recovered its ability to survive in the wild.

The police reminded the public that when an injured, weak or hungry wild animal is found, they should not deal with it without authorization or sell it illegally. They should contact relevant departments for assistance at the first time to avoid corresponding legal responsibilities. 

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A big bird “in trouble”flying to people’s house

2022-09-14 15:08:59 来源:

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- “Police station? A big bird flew to our house. It seems to be ‘in trouble’.” In the evening of September 3, the police from Huayan Police Station of Jiulongpo Sub-bureau of Chongqing Public Security Bureau, received a call from the local resident Ms. Guo, who said that a large bird suspected eagle had suddenly flew into her house, and it seemed the bird wanted to stay. She didn’t know what to do but to ask the police for help.

After receiving the call, the police rushed to Ms. Guo’s house and found the big bird in good physical condition. There are many small birds raised in cages at the balcony of Ms. Guo’s house. Ms. Guo said the big bird should be hungry so that it flew here to peck the little birds when it heard the sounds of the birds. But unfortunately, it “got trouble” and could not leave.
After learning the situation, the police asked Ms. Guo's for a free bird cage, and put the big bird into it. They carried the bird back to the police station, and contacted Chongqing Zoo for professional assistance.

In the police station, the police fed the bird on uncooked meat from the canteen and water to avoid starving it.

In no time, the zoo staff arrived at the police station and recognized the big bird as crested goshawk, the national second-class protected wildlife. The staff introduced that the crested goshawk is a medium-sized bird of prey living in lowland forests of the south central and southwest areas in China. They are perceptive, good at hiding, and often hiding themselves in the foliage.

Eventually, the zoo staff took the crested goshawk away, and planned to set it free after it recovered its ability to survive in the wild.

The police reminded the public that when an injured, weak or hungry wild animal is found, they should not deal with it without authorization or sell it illegally. They should contact relevant departments for assistance at the first time to avoid corresponding legal responsibilities. 

[责任编辑: Jiang Yiwei ]
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