     The Information Office of Chongqing Municipal Government invited 21 Thai media organizations to visit Chongqing from March 23 to 25 after the launching of a regular direct route between the southwest Chinese municipality and the Thai capital of Bangkok. During their 3-day visit, over 30 Thai journalists were deeply impressed by Chongqing's fast development. “I like it at very beginning, but now I fall in love with Chongqing!"
     来自泰国专业摄影网站Proxpros.net 的Torphong 来过中国多次,但是第一次来重庆。一路上,他兴奋地一直没放下手中的相机。"这座城市太令人意外了!"虽然地处中国中西部地区,但重庆的城市规划、发展速度"令人难以置信"。他建议重庆政府增加互联网上关于重庆自由行的英语信息,方便更多外国游客来渝旅游。……【详细】
      Torphong with the Thai photography website Proxpros.net has gone to many Chinese cities and it was his first time to come to Chongqing. "Chongqing is totally more than expectation!" He was attracted by its "unimaginable" urban planning and fast development and suggested local government provide more online English information for foreign independent tourists. ...more
     泰国国家电视台财经记者 Tossaporn 最感兴趣的是重庆的经济发展。"重庆的经济发展势头不亚于北京、上海等城市,我希望了解当地的投资政策和政府发展规划,回去之后向泰国中小企业介绍重庆的投资机会。"……【详细】
      Tossaporn, an economy journalist with Thailand Nation TV was most interested in Chongqing's economy development. "Chongqing's economy trend is as good as Beijing and Shanghai. I want to know more about its investment polices and related official plan so that I can introduce investment opportunities to Thai small and medium sized enterprises. " ...more
     泰国知名婚庆杂志 WE 总编辑Nontalikarn准备将重庆作为蜜月旅游地推荐给读者们。泰国地势平坦,而重庆依山傍水,山峦起伏,与之截然不同。她认为地形和气候对泰国游客最有吸引力。“刚来重庆时我就很喜欢它,现在我必须说’我爱上了重庆”……【详细】
      Nontalikarn, the editor-in-chief of WE, a powerful wedding magazine in Thailand planned to promote Chongqing as a beautiful place for honeymoon or pre-honeymoon. She said the most conspicuous feature of Thailand is the central plain, which is very different from the mountainous Chongqing. In her opinion, Chongqing’s landscape and climate will be most attractive for Thai tourists. “I like it, but in the second day, I might change to say I fall in love with Chongqing"... ...more
      Chatchawal with Kom Chad Luek, a tourism newspaper in Thailand lost himself in the amazing night scene along the Yangtze River and the Jialing River. He said that most of foreign tourists to Thailand are from China at present, while the number of Thai tourists to Chongqing increases year after year. The newspaper will open a special page for Chongqing to promote its tourism, food and social customs....more
Editor: Chen Qiaodi   Liu Chenyue
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