Days in America


  "I had seen a lot of Hollywood movies before I came to the U.S. America.I believe, like many Chinese people, it is like a modern country full of skyscrapers, fashion people and high technologies." Days in USA is CQNEWS’s first bilingual column by an overseas writer. Former Chongqing TV anchorwoman Yang Ke will tell you a U.S. America in daily life.
Yang Ke, former Chongqing TV anchorwoman, graduated from the Communication University of China and wrote the book On the Way to America. Now She lives in USA.

Only a Town 相比重庆,它仅是“小镇”

   Lawrence is the city I’ve lived in for 2 years. Though I was told it is the 6th largest city in the State of Kansas (25 cities total), I still have to say it’s anextremely small place. Compared with Chongqing, the city I was born in and where I grew up, Lawrence should not be called CITY, it is only a TOWN! My friend Brian says, if you drive 5 minutes from the center of Lawrence to each direction, you’ll be out of town.[More]
   我已在劳伦斯生活两年。直到去过更小的地方,我才相信,这里是堪萨斯州的第六大城市。在我看来,相比我出生长大的重庆,这里仅仅只是一个“小镇”。当地人也许无法想象走在重庆大街上的情景,数不过来“3000万人口”有多少个零。我的朋友布莱恩说,从劳伦斯中心往任何一个方向开车,5分钟就能出劳伦斯! [详细]

the Only Asian Face 唯一的亚洲面孔

   I was impressed when I first met my classmates, it’s like no matter who you are, what is your job, what is your background, you can learn anything which was hard for me to reach in China if you want! We gathered together every Thursday night, learned how to saw the metal, torch things, drill, use some chemical stuff and design.[More]
  我从未料到,多年的梦想,如此简单直接,触手可及。课程安排是每周四晚7点半至9点半。这期间,我们学会了用细如发丝的锯条锯金属片,给金属上色、造型,用化学试剂在金属上印出花纹……同学们的创作力和想象力让人惊叹。 [详细]

What is Art 艺术是什么?

   Like the book Living With Artsays, art is not a big deal which we once thought it might be unreachable or out of our daily life,which you may think something like watching a musical in Broadway or visiting the Louvre could be only called so. Actually, it is inside our daily.Choosing a pattern of a skirt, picking up a 10 dollar painting to decorate your house and matching your suit with a specific tie, they are all art! [More]
 如《与艺术同行》所说,艺术没有什么了不起,更不是我们普通人在日常生活中难以企及的。相反,我们选一条什么花纹的裙子,选什么领带配西服,甚至什么颜色的浴巾……这些都是艺术!艺术即是人类最基本、最普遍的活动之一。 [详细]
Editor:Chen Qiaodi   Zhang Yi   Ye Jian