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Internet buzzwords, an outstanding social phenomenon and a distinctive culture,generate more and more influence to both the virtual and the real worlds.

压力/鸭梨山大 (Ya li shan da)


   "Ya li shan da" is the phonogram of "Alexander" in Chinese, which is a humorous way to express heavy pressure.

伤不起 (Shang bu qi


    The phrase shang bu qi, which means too delicate to bear a blow, was chosen as the phrase of the year, revealing the public's sensitivity to personal and social problems, and their call for justice and equity.


   "God horses are floating clouds/ It's not even worth mentioning:"God horses" sounds like "whatever" in Chinese. Winds change all the time. Therefore, this sentence means "It's not even worth mentioning".

内容编辑:刘侃  专题设计:刘臣玥  框架搭建:叶建